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Improve Insert Modified Notes to Daily
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Fix the bugs that the function may be called before it's completed. 

Improve the codes to be more modular.
  • Loading branch information
LeCheenaX authored Dec 28, 2024
1 parent 95637a7 commit f10f4de
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 68 deletions.
146 changes: 78 additions & 68 deletions Templates/Insert Modified Notes to Daily
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,94 +1,104 @@
// Based on Insert Static DV Table, dataview plugin and templater plugin.
// Configuration Constants
const RECORD_NOTE_FOLDER = "日志/Daily Notes";
const QUERY_STRING = `table WITHOUT ID as "当日编辑", file.mtime as "编辑时间" from !"MyTestFolder" where file.mday = date(today) sort file.mtime asc limit 32`;
const START_POSITION = "title: 当天编辑的文件\ncollapse: close";
const END_POSITION = "````";
const dv = app.plugins.plugins["dataview"].api;

// Get today's date in ISO format
let today = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");

// Specify the note where you want to record the data
let DailyNote = moment(today).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
let recordNoteFolder = "日志/Daily Notes";
const recordNote = DailyNote; // Change this to your desired note name
const note = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(`${recordNoteFolder}/${recordNote}.md`);

// Define the start and end positions in the note to place the inserted data.
// You can also use either "## Start Title" or "thing1\nthing2" if line break exist.
let startPosition = "title: 当天编辑的文件\ncollapse: close";
let endPosition = "````"; // You can also use "## End Title"
// Get the content that you want to add to recordNote
let recordNote = DailyNote;
let note = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(`${RECORD_NOTE_FOLDER}/${recordNote}.md`);

const query = `table WITHOUT ID as "当日编辑", file.mtime as "编辑时间" from !"MyTestFolder" where file.mday = date(today) sort file.mtime asc limit 32`;

// Set Program Delay for templater to parse created files
// Delay function
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

new Notice("Autoupdate scripts are running! ", 3000);
console.log("Autoupdate scripts are running! ");

// Function to create a new note
async function createNewNote() {
await tp.file.create_new("", recordNote, false, RECORD_NOTE_FOLDER);
new Notice(`Created new note ${recordNote} in folder ${RECORD_NOTE_FOLDER}.`, 5000);
console.log(`Created new note ${recordNote} in folder ${RECORD_NOTE_FOLDER}.`);
await delay(500);

// Function to fetch query output
async function fetchQueryOutput() {
try {
return await dv.queryMarkdown(QUERY_STRING);
} catch (error) {
new Notice("⚠️ ERROR querying data: " + error.message, 5000);
console.log(`⚠️ ERROR: ${error}`);
throw error; // Rethrow to handle in the calling function

// Function to process query output
function processQueryOutput(queryOutput) {
const lines = queryOutput.split('\n');
return lines.length > 3 ? queryOutput.trimEnd() : "No note is modified today! ";

// Function to read note content
async function readDailyNoteContent() {
return await;

// Function to update the note
async function updateNoteContent(content, recordData) {
const regex = new RegExp(`${START_POSITION}[\\s\\S]*?(?=${END_POSITION})`);
if (regex.test(content)) {
const newContent = content.replace(regex, `${START_POSITION}\n${recordData}\n`);
await app.vault.modify(note, newContent);
new Notice("Daily note auto updated! ", 2000);
console.log("Daily note auto updated! ");
} else {
new Notice("⚠️ ERROR updating note: " + recordNote + "! Check console log.", 5000);
console.log(`⚠️ ERROR: The given pattern "${START_POSITION} ... ${END_POSITION}" is not found in ${recordNote}! `);

// Main function to update daily notes
async function updateDailyNotes() {
// Specify if note exists
if (!tp.file.find_tfile(recordNote)) {
// If the note doesn't exist, create it in the specified folder using Templater
await tp.file.create_new("", recordNote, false, recordNoteFolder)
new Notice(`Created new note ${recordNote} in folder ${recordNoteFolder}.`, 5000);
console.log(`Created new note ${recordNote} in folder ${recordNoteFolder}.`);
await delay(500);

// Data Processing
startPosition = startPosition.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
endPosition = endPosition.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
const regex = new RegExp(`${startPosition}[\\s\\S]*?(?=${endPosition})`);

const dv = app.plugins.plugins["dataview"].api;
const dvqueryOutput = await dv.queryMarkdown(query);
const queryOutput = dvqueryOutput.value
let recordData;
const lines = queryOutput.split('\n');
if (lines.length > 3) {
recordData = queryOutput.trimEnd();
else {
recordData = "No note is modified today! ";

// Append the data to the specified note
const content = await;
let newContent;
if (regex.test(content)) {
newContent = content.replace(regex, `${startPosition}\n${recordData}\n`);
await app.vault.modify(note, newContent);
new Notice("Daily note auto updated! ", 2000);
console.log("Daily note auto updated! ");
else {
new Notice("⚠️ ERROR updating note: " + recordNote +"! Check console log.", 5000);
console.log(`⚠️ ERROR: The given pattern "${startPosition} ... ${endPosition}" is not found in ${recordNote}! `);
try {
if (!tp.file.find_tfile(recordNote)) {
await createNewNote();

const dvqueryOutput = await fetchQueryOutput();
const recordData = processQueryOutput(dvqueryOutput.value);
const content = await readDailyNoteContent();
await updateNoteContent(content, recordData);
} catch (error) {
new Notice("⚠️ An unexpected error occurred: " + error.message, 5000);
console.log(`⚠️ ERROR: ${error}`);

// Debounce function to limit the rate at which a function can fire
function debounce(func, wait) {
let timeout;
return function(...args) {
const later = () => {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), wait);

// Set up event listener to run the update function on every file save with debounce
app.vault.on('modify', debounce(async (file) => {
console.log(`Detected File Change: ${}`);
if ( === `${recordNote}.md`)
await delay(200);
await updateDailyNotes();
console.log(`Detected File Change: ${}`);
if ( === `${recordNote}.md`) {
await delay(200);
} else {
await updateDailyNotes();
console.log(`Try updating ${recordNote}.md`);
}, 60000)); // 60 seconds debounce


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