Autohost + Hyped middleware that can be wired up to an endpoint that will return a Swagger API doc spec file.
Warning: This example might be a little rough if you are starting from scratch. This is primarily to show how to integrate with an existing hyped + autohost solution.
npm install hyped-swagger-middleware --save
// index.js
var apiMetadata = {
apiRoot: "/",
version: "1.0.0",
title: "Hyped API",
description: "Our api",
tos: "",
contact: {
name: "John Doe",
email: "[email protected]",
url: ""
license: {
name: "Commercial",
url: ""
var autohost = require( "autohost" );
var hyped = require( "hyped" )( true, true );
var swaggerMiddleware = require( "hyped-swagger-middleware" );
var host = hyped.createHost( autohost, {
// regular autohost configuration goes here
function() {
swaggerMiddleware( apiMetadata, hyped )
Look at the example
directory to see an example implementation. To run the example:
npm install
npm run example
Then in a new window:
curl http://localhost:8800/api/swagger/1/swagger.json