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Facial Emotion Recognition

By Team Doggomaniacs, IIT Kanpur

This repository contains all the files for Emotion Recognition through Facial Expression recognition, a summer project under Brain and Cognitive Society, IIT Kanpur.
The Documentation for the Project is here: [Doc/PDF].

Goal of the project:

All Necessary files in the Project:

For Emotion Recognition in Images

Topics Links Description
Preprocessing In Images LINK Contains all the functions necessary for Preprocessing
Preprocessed Dataset LINK Contains Preprocessed FER 2013 data. Stored in Drive
Model for Feature Extraction and Classification LINK Contains Model and Functions for Validation and Visualization
Result LINK Confusion Matrix of the Model

For Emotion Recognition in Videos

Topics Links Description
Frame Extraction and Preprocessing for videos LINK Folder with necessary python files for Frame Extraction
Extracted Frames dataset LINK Frames extracted from BAUM-2 dataset
Model for Feature Extraction and Classification LINK Contains Model and Functions for Validation and Visualization

Result of the Models:

For Images:

Dataset Accuracy
Training FER2013 95%
Testing JFFE 97%
Testing CK+ 59%

Confusion Matrix For Testing (JFFE data) Confusion Matrix For Testing (CK+ data)

For Videos:

Dataset Model Accuracy
Training BAUM-2 CNN+LSTM 36%
Training BAUM-2 C3D 28.4%

Description Of Various Files/Folder in the Repository

This file contains functions for preprocessing. Preprocessing for Emotion Recognition includes: Face detection, Rotation, Cropping, Smoothing, Rotation.

These are the functions in the file:

  • modification(image): Takes array as an input. The array datatype initially is str, which is converted to int type. The image is, then, resized to 480x480p from 48x48p for face detection purpose. This function return the final resized image.
    This function is specifically for dataset downloaded from here.
modified_image = modification(image)
  • rotate(image): Takes image as input and returns a rotated image. The rotation is based on the alignment of eyes in the image.
rotated_image = rotation(input_image)
  • crop(image,x_factor=2.1,y_factor=3.2): Takes image, two other parameters(x_factor,y_factor) as input and returns a cropped image. The cropping is based on the distance between eyes of the face. x_factor,y_factor defines width and height of cropped image as a factor of distance between eyes. The deafult values are tuned parameters.
cropped_image= crop(rotated_image)
  • preProcessing(images,x_factor=2.1,y_factor=3.2): Takes array/list of images as input. It applies the above function on each image and then smoothing. Then resizes the image. The function returns an array of images.
    This function is specifically for dataset downloaded from here.
x = preProcessing(data['pixels'])
  • savePreprocessed(data,x_factor=2.1,y_factor=3.2): Takes Pandas DataFrame with pixels and emotion as input and saves the preprocessed images into a .csv file. This is the FER2013 preprocessed data saved using this function:
    This function is specifically for dataset downloaded from here.
  • get_faces(image,x_factor=2.1,y_factor=3.2): Takes an image as an input. The function detects all the faces in the image, apply preprocessing on all of them and then returns a list with all preprocessed faces along with a list of labels of location of faces in the image(for labelling prupose).
faces,labels = get_faces(image)

This file contains model for feature extraction and classification for Image dataset. It also contain function for Visualisation and Validation.

These are the functions in the file:

  • classifierModel(input_shape): Returns a model for feature extarction and classification. The model uses tensorflow backend.
    Overview of Model:

Model Overview

model = classifierModel((48,48,1))
  • plot_confusion_matrix(cm,classes,normalize=False,title='Confusion Matrix', This function prints a visual representation of confusion matrix with classes which are passed to it as input.

This folder contains python files for Frame Extraction from BAUM-2 dataset.

Important Note

After downloading all the zip files of BAUM dataset. Extract them all and then copy all the Subject folders into a single directory.

These are the files in the folder:

  • [-h] [-s source_path] [-d destination_path] [-n number_of_frames] : This function extracts frames from each video of all subject and store them in a separate folder for further use. This is the Frame Extracted dataset generated from BAUM-2 dataset using this file:
    source_path: The path of directory where all subjects folder are stored.
    destination_path: The path of directory where you want to store all extracted frames.
    number_of_frames: The number of frames you want to extract from each video.

How to call:

python3 -s "/home/legolas/BAUM_dataset" -d "/home/legolas/Extracted" -n 16

For help:

python3 -h
  • [-h] [-s source_path] [-d destination_path] : This function creates a text file of all the frames extracted with their emotion. This is the list generated usnig this file: main.csv.
    source_path: The path of directory where all extracted frames are stored.
    destination_path: The path of text file you are going to create.

How to call:

python3 -s "/home/legolas/Extracted" -d "main.txt"

For help:

python3 -h

This file contains model for feature extraction and classification for Video dataset. It also contain function for Visualisation and Validation.

These are the functions in the file:

  • fine_tune(input_shape): Returns a LSTM model . The model uses tensorflow backend.
It uses the pre-trained image recognistion model for genrating image embeddings. Which are used as an input for LSTM and then outputs the predicted emotion
fine_tuned_model = fine_tune((12,48,48,1))
No. of frames extracted from one video = 12
Image shape = (48,48,1)
  • classifier_Model(X_input): Returns the image embedding and takes input multiple frames of images. The model uses tensorflow backend.
It uses Time_Distributed layers so that each frame of images is processed simentaneously and then fed to the LSTM network. 
  • LSTM_model(input_shape): It takes the shape of input which is (12,48,48,1). It returns the corresponding output as the predicted emotion.

  • plot_confusion_matrix(cm,classes,normalize=False,title='Confusion Matrix', This function prints a visual representation of confusion matrix with classes which are passed to it as input.


This file opens the webcam and classifies facial expressions in real time.


Emotion Recognition through Facial Expressions.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 98.8%
  • Python 1.2%