- Medium blog: lenavolzhina
- "Machine learning methods in weather forecasts" (Scopus)
- Master's thesis: "Machine learning methods in weather prediction problem" (pdf [ru])
- Article series at habr.com about recommender system at Stepik.org ([ru]): 1, 2, 3
- Bachelor's thesis: "Recommender system for educational content" (pdf [ru])
- Poster about geo-magnetic anomalies at RuSSIR 2015 (pdf [en])
- "Discovering geo-magnetic anomalies: a clustering-based approach" (IEEE Library)
- "How I tried to give up matplotlib" @ International Women's Day 14/03/20 video [ru]
- "How I tried to quit using Matplotlib" @ Pytup 26/02/20 slides [ru]
- "How many times have you tried to learn algorithms?" @ WTM Meetup #2 30/01/20 slides [ru]
- "How to build hyperlocal weather forecast with machine learning techniques on a global scale" @ PyConBY 22/02/20 video [ru], slides [en]
- "How to build hyperlocal weather forecast with machine learning techniques on a global scale" @ Pytup 23/11/19 video [ru]
- "Couple of words about motivation" @ Django Girls SPb #3 03/08/19 slides [ru]
- "Who needs algorithms?" @ PyLadies MSK Meetup #1 12/12/18 slides [ru]
- "How to combine physical models, machine learning and production performance" @ PiterPy 2018 02/11/18: description, slides & video
- "Where to start learning algorithms" @ PyLadies SPb Meetup #1 07/08/18: video [ru], slides [ru]
- YaTalks 2019: Yandex.Weather stand
- PyCon.DE + PyData 2019: listener, notes
- DataFest 2019: Yandex.Weather stand
- PyCon.DE + PyData 2018: listener, notes (a lot of pictures)
- DataFest 2018: Yandex.Weather stand
- SEIM 2017: talk about my work on master's thesis
- RuSSIR 2015: poster (links above)
- Soft Skills School 2020: certificates ru, en
- "Deep Learning" S.Nikolenko et al.: my notes & code
- Learning How to Learn: coursera
- Open Machine Learning Course: https://github.com/Yorko/mlcourse.ai
- Stepik.org: certificates
- Medium blog: lenavolzhina
- HacktoberFest 2018 and 2019
- Django Girls Kazan workshop 31/08/19: organizer and mentor
- Django Girls SPb workshop 08/03/19: organizer and mentor
- Women Techmakers: ambassador and organizer of the WTM Moscow