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This package is a library that generates fake data.

NOTE: While Faker generates data at random, returned values are not guaranteed to be unique.




using Faker #  => "[email protected]"


Faker.random_digit()                             # => 9
Faker.random_digit_not_null()                    # => 1
Faker.random_digit_or_empty()                    # => 5
Faker.random_number()                            # => 31730
Faker.random_int()                               # => 7545
Faker.randomize_nb_elements()                    # => 10
Faker.random_letter()                            # => N
Faker.random_element(("a", "b", "b"))            # => b
Faker.lexify("????")                             # => cIxw
Faker.numerify("###")                            # => 643
Faker.bothify("## ??")                           # => 92 Hu


Faker.state_abbr()                              # => AP
Faker.latitude()                                # => -74.518224
Faker.street_name()                             # => Green Knoll
Faker.address()                                 # => 741 Drucilla Lights Marlenport, VT 54198-4463
Faker.street_address()                          # => 4630 Kling Throughway
Faker.postcode()                                # => 18604-5538
Faker.longitude()                               # => 41.536069                                 # => Montserrat
Faker.geo_coordinate("None", 0.001)             # => 48.396071
Faker.secondary_address()                       # => Apt. 621
Faker.street_suffix()                           # => Crossing
Faker.city_prefix()                             # => Lake
Faker.city_suffix()                             # => ville
Faker.building_number()                         # => 7065                                    # => West Donato
Faker.state()                                   # => WestVirginia

###Company                                 # => Kohler-Ward
Faker.company_suffix()                          # => Inc
Faker.catch_phrase()                            # => Multi-layered user-facing functionalities                                      # => WestVirginia


Faker.date_time_ad()                            # => 1446-03-17 04:03:47
Faker.months()                                  # => 10
Faker.am_pm()                                   # => PM
Faker.iso8601()                                 # => 1986-05-02T21:01:04
Faker.date_time_this_century()                  # => 1941-12-05 15:52:02
Faker.date_time()                               # => 1981-10-29 21:56:29
Faker.month_name()                              # => November
Faker.date_time_this_month()                    # => 2014-04-02 08:38:48
Faker.date_time_this_decade()                   # => 2013-02-24 18:47:46
Faker.day_of_week()                             # => Thursday
Faker.day_of_month()                            # => 14
Faker.time("%H:%M:%S")                          # => 21:44:43
Faker.date_time_between("-30y", "now")          # => 1990-01-30 11:47:01
Faker.unix_time()                               # => 711770812
Faker.date_time_this_year()                     # => 2013-04-22 14:51:26
Faker.timezone()                                # => Atlantic/Reykjavik
Faker.century()                                 # => XV"%Y-%m-%d")                          # => 1998-09-11
Faker.year()                                    # => 1998

###Internet                                   # => "[email protected]"
Faker.free_email()                              # => "[email protected]"
Faker.safe_email()                              # => "[email protected]"
Faker.user_name()                               # => "melissa.price"
Faker.domain_name()                             # => ""
Faker.domain_word()                             # => "haleyziemann"
Faker.domain_suffix()                           # => "info"
Faker.ipv4()                                    # => ""
Faker.ipv6()                                    # => "ac5f:d696:3807:1d72:2eb5:4e81:7d2b:e1df"
Faker.uri()                                     # => ""
Faker.url()                                     # => ""


Faker.text()                                    # => Et dolor voluptates quaerat. Natus qui consequatur dolor facere. Tenetur repudiandae totam id vitae aut.
Faker.sentence()                                # => Alias officiis dignissimos maxime nam ad distinctio.
Faker.word()                                    # => qui
Faker.paragraphs()                              # => [u'Numquam cupiditate omnis impedit nesciunt laboriosam. Vitae hic iste qui deleniti quo incidunt ratione.
                       Natus ullam libero dolore sunt.', u'Veritatis nostrum quod dolorem soluta cupiditate qui incidunt. 
                       Rerum minus commodi repreh enderit. Sed in dolor quia ut est. Impedit eos nihil aut m olestiae 
                       reiciendis.', u'Ullam dolor molestias sit officii s expedita fuga repellat. Et fuga sequi sit. Aperiam
                      quaer at sint quasi vel nam.']
Faker.words()                                   # => [u'corrupti', u'ipsum', u'inventore']
Faker.paragraph()                               # => Voluptatibus quae nihil aut amet quos. Vitae fugiat adipisci inventore eaque adipisci quia. Nostrum non et numquam illum. Sed id dolore quia.
Faker.sentences()                               # => [u'Ipsam rerum molestias quod magni totam pariatur enim.',u'Dolores perspiciatis consequatur porro 
                      recusandae sit voluptatem sint accusamus.', u'Repellendus explicabo delectus ad #Name


Phone numbers may be in any of the following formats:

  • +33(3)3333333333
  • +33(3)3333333333
  • 03333333333
  • 03333333333
  • 333-333-3333
  • (333)333-3333
  • 1-333-333-3333
  • 333.333.3333
  • 333-333-3333
  • (333)333-3333
  • 1-333-333-3333
  • 333-333-3333x333

(Don't let the example output below fool you - any format can be returned at random.)

Faker.phone_number()                            # => 456-089-3337x803


Faker.password()                                # => cQYVB)X%0$
Faker.locale()                                  # => en_SE
Faker.md5()                                     # => 74c3bf36bfc61f2bda75492b422bfaa7
Faker.sha1()                                    # => b221ee6090aa125f9acca8ea851d0dc7d9fb0886
Faker.null_boolean()                            # => True
Faker.sha256()                                  # => 87a636998cfd1b73b371079d51df2b6b419c94053d73b0da29a7f2e2da7f070a
Faker.country_code()                            # => DO
Faker.language_code()                           # => ru
Faker.boolean()                                 # => True


Faker.color_name()                              # => DarkMagenta
Faker.safe_color_name()                         # => purple
Faker.hex_color()                               # => #77cc00
Faker.safe_hex_color()                          # => #16a100
Faker.rgb_color_list()                          # => (230, 94, 69)
Faker.rgb_color()                               # => 213,100,110
Faker.rgb_css_color()                           # => rgb(88,244,35)


Faker.credit_card_security_code()               # => 768
Faker.credit_card_full()                        # => VISA 16 digit Keon Marvin 4493818436107305 CVC 976
Faker.credit_card_number()                      # => 4916619442820082
Faker.credit_card_provider()                    # => American Express
Faker.generate_number("52",16)                  # => 5268029839131090


Faker.mime_type()                               # => video/quicktime
Faker.file_extension()                          # => css
Faker.file_name()                               # => sUwb.flac


Faker.first_name()                              # => Cayden
Faker.last_name()                               # => Hickle
Faker.prefixe()                                 # => Mrs


Faker.simple_profile()                          # => ("name"=>"Benito","mail"=>"[email protected]","username"=>"nGamez",
                                                      "address"=>"Pasaje Morelos 373 572 San Carlota de la Montaña,BC 47785")
Faker.profile()                                 # => ("blood_group"=>"AB-","job"=>"Radiographer, therapeutic",
                                                      "residence"=>"Ampliación Escobar 515 Interior 017 San Carlota de la Montaña, 
                                                      Q. ROO 75906","company"=>"Bañuelos-Delgadillo y Asociados",


Faker.job()                                     # => Geneticist, molecular


Faker.mac_processor()                           # => U; PPC
Faker.linux_processor()                         # => x86_64
Faker.user_agent()                              # => safari
Faker.windows_platform_token()                  # => Windows NT 6.0
Faker.linux_platform_token()                    # => X11; Linux x86_64
Faker.mac_platform_token()                      # => Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_5                                  # => Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/5311 (KHTML, like Gecko)                                          # => Chrome/14.0.867.0 Safari/5311
Faker.firefox()                                 # => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_8_7; rv:                                    # => Gecko/2002-10-25 15:36:53 Firefox/7.0
Faker.safari()                                  # => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10_5_9 rv:3.0; it-IT)                                             # => AppleWebKit/532.42.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/532.42.3
Faker.opera()                                   # => Opera/9.97.(Windows CE; sl-SI) Presto/2.9.182 Version/12.00)
Faker.internet_explorer()                       # => Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 5.01; Trident/5.0)


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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