hassio support for Airthings Wave BLE environmental radon sensor.
Much of the code to build this component was inspired by these projects:
The aforementioned radonwave
project is especially useful as it describes
many of the BLE characteristics specific to this product and has good
trouble-shooting tips. The script provided is also very useful in determining
the MAC address of your AW device. See here:
<config directory>/custom_components/airthings_wave/
Example configuration.yaml:
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- platform: airthings_wave
mac: "98:07:2D:4A:97:5C"
name: 'Basement Airthings Wave'
scan_interval: 120
(string)(Required) The airthings_wave mac address
(string)(Optional) The name of the device. Defaults to 'Airthings Wave'
(string)(Optional) The interval between polls. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
It may be possible that the Wave must be connected to the official app at least once before you can use this program, so you will probably not get around registering an account with Airthings.
The radon level history stored on the Wave itself cannot be accessed with this component. To get around this, it connects regularly to the radon detector.
Make sure you install the latest firmware on the device using the official app first.
Note yet compatible with Airthings Wave Plus
Values only appear after first scan_interval (default 5 minutes) has passed and will remain as
until then custom-components#2 -
Not yet able to specify the
configuration -
No translations available yet
An Airthings Wave
A Raspberry Pi 3 with built-in Bluetooth OR a Bluetooth adapter that supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5MGEUS/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_ObdNCb03P7QZJ
- marcelm/radonwave#1
- https://community.home-assistant.io/t/radoneye-ble-interface/94962
- https://support.airthings.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002910089-How-to-respond-to-your-radon-levels?mobile_site=true
- https://community.home-assistant.io/t/converting-sensor-measurement-units/98807
- http://certi.us/Downloads/Canada_Meas_BW.pdf