A curated list of awesome Minestom libraries, resources, and open-source projects.
Minestom is an open-source library that enables developers to create their own Minecraft server software, void of any Mojang code.
Reusable code that pairs very well with Minestom. If it offers extensions, it's side effect free to the limit of logging.
- MineScreen - A Java library for simplifying UI development.
- hephaestus-engine - Render, animate and interact with custom entity models.
- WorldSeedEntityEngine - Straightforward multi-part entity construction.
- mc_debug_render - Draw arbitrary debug shapes on the client.
- Orbis - WIP extensible world generator.
- TNT - Experimental fast world format.
- ParticleEmitter - Library for drawing particle effects with Snowstorm
- RayFast - A fast raycasting libary.
- Scaffolding - Place and load schematics.
- NBStom - NBS reader and player.
- EnoidaPF - High performance voxel pathfinding implementation.
Jars or libraries that integrate straight into Minestom. May also have programatic APIs or offer standalone versions.
- grakkit - A modern JavaScript development environment for Minecraft.
- UnifiedMetrics - Cross-compatible fully-featured metrics collection agent.
- Nightclub - An extensible in-minecraft light show.
- MinestomPVP - Implement PVP in your server.
- MinestomAirConditioner - Anticheat that prevents blatant hacking.
- BasicRedstone - Basic redstone implementation.
- MinestomFluids - Fluid handling and implementation.
- Minesumo - A sumo extension with stats.
Implementation of Minestom that allow for server administrators to get a server up and running
- microstom - A lightweight jar with only the smallest of defauts.
- Sabre - A customizable and simple server jar.
- BasicMinestomServer - Barebones extension-only server jar.
- MineMeeting - Quick throwaway no-trace servers for hosting meetings in Minecraft.
- VanillaReimplementation - Reimplementation of Vanilla features in Minestom (WIP).
Open-source minecraft projects -- projects without an available hosted instance.
- WynnLab - An attempt at remixing Wynncraft in a Minestom environment.
- Tower Defence - A tower defence game inspired by CubeCraft's Tower Defence and Bloons TD.
- Doomstom - Port of Doom to Minestom.
- BlockScreen - Screensharing in Minecraft.
- FlexEGames - An extensible multi-game single-server jar.
A list of servers that use Minestom.
- EmortalMC - A minigames server focused on light-hearted fun. IP:
. Version:1.19.2
. - Arena - A community server demonstrating Minestom's capabilities. IP:
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