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Rest Endpoints: Leonardo.Ai API OpenAPI specification.

Table of Contents

SDK Installation


Python version upgrade policy

Once a Python version reaches its official end of life date, a 3-month grace period is provided for users to upgrade. Following this grace period, the minimum python version supported in the SDK will be updated.

The SDK can be installed with either pip or poetry package managers.


PIP is the default package installer for Python, enabling easy installation and management of packages from PyPI via the command line.

pip install Leonardo-Ai-SDK


Poetry is a modern tool that simplifies dependency management and package publishing by using a single pyproject.toml file to handle project metadata and dependencies.

poetry add Leonardo-Ai-SDK

Shell and script usage with uv

You can use this SDK in a Python shell with uv and the uvx command that comes with it like so:

uvx --from Leonardo-Ai-SDK python

It's also possible to write a standalone Python script without needing to set up a whole project like so:

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run --script
# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.9"
# dependencies = [
#     "Leonardo-Ai-SDK",
# ]
# ///

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK

sdk = LeonardoAiSDK(
  # SDK arguments

# Rest of script here...

Once that is saved to a file, you can run it with uv run where can be replaced with the actual file name.

IDE Support


Generally, the SDK will work well with most IDEs out of the box. However, when using PyCharm, you can enjoy much better integration with Pydantic by installing an additional plugin.

SDK Example Usage


# Synchronous Example
from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK

with LeonardoAiSDK(
) as las_client:

    res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>")

    assert res.object is not None

    # Handle response

The same SDK client can also be used to make asychronous requests by importing asyncio.

# Asynchronous Example
import asyncio
from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK

async def main():
    async with LeonardoAiSDK(
    ) as las_client:

        res = await las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id_async(id="<id>")

        assert res.object is not None

        # Handle response

Available Resources and Operations

Available methods


Some of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.

To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide a RetryConfig object to the call:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
from leonardo_ai_sdk.utils import BackoffStrategy, RetryConfig

with LeonardoAiSDK(
) as las_client:

    res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>",
        RetryConfig("backoff", BackoffStrategy(1, 50, 1.1, 100), False))

    assert res.object is not None

    # Handle response

If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can use the retry_config optional parameter when initializing the SDK:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
from leonardo_ai_sdk.utils import BackoffStrategy, RetryConfig

with LeonardoAiSDK(
    retry_config=RetryConfig("backoff", BackoffStrategy(1, 50, 1.1, 100), False),
) as las_client:

    res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>")

    assert res.object is not None

    # Handle response

Error Handling

Handling errors in this SDK should largely match your expectations. All operations return a response object or raise an exception.

By default, an API error will raise a errors.SDKError exception, which has the following properties:

Property Type Description
.status_code int The HTTP status code
.message str The error message
.raw_response httpx.Response The raw HTTP response
.body str The response content

When custom error responses are specified for an operation, the SDK may also raise their associated exceptions. You can refer to respective Errors tables in SDK docs for more details on possible exception types for each operation. For example, the delete_init_image_by_id_async method may raise the following exceptions:

Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
from leonardo_ai_sdk.models import errors

with LeonardoAiSDK(
) as las_client:
    res = None

        res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>")

        assert res.object is not None

        # Handle response

    except errors.SDKError as e:
        # handle exception

Custom HTTP Client

The Python SDK makes API calls using the httpx HTTP library. In order to provide a convenient way to configure timeouts, cookies, proxies, custom headers, and other low-level configuration, you can initialize the SDK client with your own HTTP client instance. Depending on whether you are using the sync or async version of the SDK, you can pass an instance of HttpClient or AsyncHttpClient respectively, which are Protocol's ensuring that the client has the necessary methods to make API calls. This allows you to wrap the client with your own custom logic, such as adding custom headers, logging, or error handling, or you can just pass an instance of httpx.Client or httpx.AsyncClient directly.

For example, you could specify a header for every request that this sdk makes as follows:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
import httpx

http_client = httpx.Client(headers={"x-custom-header": "someValue"})
s = LeonardoAiSDK(client=http_client)

or you could wrap the client with your own custom logic:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
from leonardo_ai_sdk.httpclient import AsyncHttpClient
import httpx

class CustomClient(AsyncHttpClient):
    client: AsyncHttpClient

    def __init__(self, client: AsyncHttpClient):
        self.client = client

    async def send(
        request: httpx.Request,
        stream: bool = False,
        auth: Union[
            httpx._types.AuthTypes, httpx._client.UseClientDefault, None
        ] = httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
        follow_redirects: Union[
            bool, httpx._client.UseClientDefault
        ] = httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
    ) -> httpx.Response:
        request.headers["Client-Level-Header"] = "added by client"

        return await self.client.send(
            request, stream=stream, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects

    def build_request(
        method: str,
        url: httpx._types.URLTypes,
        content: Optional[httpx._types.RequestContent] = None,
        data: Optional[httpx._types.RequestData] = None,
        files: Optional[httpx._types.RequestFiles] = None,
        json: Optional[Any] = None,
        params: Optional[httpx._types.QueryParamTypes] = None,
        headers: Optional[httpx._types.HeaderTypes] = None,
        cookies: Optional[httpx._types.CookieTypes] = None,
        timeout: Union[
            httpx._types.TimeoutTypes, httpx._client.UseClientDefault
        ] = httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
        extensions: Optional[httpx._types.RequestExtensions] = None,
    ) -> httpx.Request:
        return self.client.build_request(

s = LeonardoAiSDK(async_client=CustomClient(httpx.AsyncClient()))

Server Selection

Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the server_url: str optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK

with LeonardoAiSDK(
) as las_client:

    res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>")

    assert res.object is not None

    # Handle response


Per-Client Security Schemes

This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:

Name Type Scheme
bearer_auth http HTTP Bearer

To authenticate with the API the bearer_auth parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK

with LeonardoAiSDK(
) as las_client:

    res = las_client.init_images.delete_init_image_by_id(id="<id>")

    assert res.object is not None

    # Handle response

Resource Management

The LeonardoAiSDK class implements the context manager protocol and registers a finalizer function to close the underlying sync and async HTTPX clients it uses under the hood. This will close HTTP connections, release memory and free up other resources held by the SDK. In short-lived Python programs and notebooks that make a few SDK method calls, resource management may not be a concern. However, in longer-lived programs, it is beneficial to create a single SDK instance via a context manager and reuse it across the application.

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
def main():
    with LeonardoAiSDK(
    ) as las_client:
        # Rest of application here...

# Or when using async:
async def amain():
    async with LeonardoAiSDK(
    ) as las_client:
        # Rest of application here...


You can setup your SDK to emit debug logs for SDK requests and responses.

You can pass your own logger class directly into your SDK.

from leonardo_ai_sdk import LeonardoAiSDK
import logging

s = LeonardoAiSDK(debug_logger=logging.getLogger("leonardo_ai_sdk"))


This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.


While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Feel free to open a PR or a Github issue as a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release !

SDK Created by Speakeasy