This is one of many projects that |I have been working on Frontend Web Coding & Developement. Used bootstrap framework, JQuery and Javascript!
- Add
- Take-away
- Mult...
- Devide
- Looked at the entire project first, thought how to go about it
- Decided to use Visual Studio Code
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Mobile-first workflow
function breakDecrement() {
if(startandStopTime) {
if(breakDecrementAndIncrement > 1) {
$("#break-length").text(breakDecrementAndIncrement -= 1);
function breakIncrement() {
if(startandStopTime) {
if(breakDecrementAndIncrement < 60 ) {
$("#break-length").text(breakDecrementAndIncrement += 1);
function sessionDecrement() {
if(startandStopTime) {
getSeconds = "00";
if(sessionDecremenetAndIncrement > 1) {
sessionDecremenetAndIncrement = sessionDecremenetAndIncrement - 1;
getMinutes = sessionDecremenetAndIncrement;
if(getMinutes > 9) {
$("#time-left").text(hourFormat(getMinutes, getSeconds));
else {
getMinutes = "0" + getMinutes;
$("#time-left").text(hourFormat(getMinutes, getSeconds));
- Developer Mozilla - This helped me to understand how flexbox works and the grid system too. True source of Frontend information indeed.
- CSS Tricks - This is an amazing article which helped me finally understand css. I'd recommend it to anyone still learning frontend.
- w3schools - I think that every one heard and knows about w3schools! I find it very helpful when come to Semantic HTML5. stackoverflow Community - Here is whre the biggest tech community lives A B C
HTML Validation
I used the W3C HTML Validator tool to validate my HTML code.