A soundpack compiled by 2ch anonymous for his own usage, published for everyone to use freely. While being outdated, its fully compatible with wide specter of mods and currently getting slowly refurbished back into the time.
Unpack the zip into cataclysm > data > sound folder, activate the stuff in the settings. Enjoy the game with the sound.
OST of the soundpack can be accessed there https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lGX7XkaQUuseZOzCOSjYEAEZfOZ_NckW/view?usp=sharing
To use, simply unpack the zip into the soundpack folder, it will look like this
To add your music in, put the tracks into the /music folder, either as is or in folders. Once you added the tracks in, add them in the musicset.json by setting the path to them starting from the music folder, with any editor json-compatible, notepad++ or visual studio from this example
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/671688649674326025/897843570491400222/unknown.png Once you are done, save the playlist, it should work.
Report freely in issues everything what feels off, or lacks sound, or needs mod support