Welcome to Plainly 👋
Plainly is a VS Code extension that helps write simpler and clearer copy. It suggests hundreds of plain English alternatives to complex, non-inclusive, and unsuitable words. Wordlists are aimed for UI copy, user guide articles, and technical documentation.
Reach out to us at [email protected] 📩
Plainly scans your writing and spots the issues around:
- Complex and redundant wording
- Gender-biased terms
- Technical jargon
- Culturally-sensitive words
- Ableism
Have a suggestion for another unequal wordlist? Drop us a line.
- plainlanguage.gov
- powerthesaurus.org
- english.stackexchange.com
- docs.gitlab.com
- docs.microsoft.com
- autistichoya.com
You are welcome to contribute to our GitHub.
- Overlapping search results.
To make wordy docs simple and more human.
- Project is wrote in Javascript for speed of development as an early plugin concept. If the plugin gains traction, we will re-write the project in the recommended TypeScript implementation instead. This will allow us to implement additional features easier and make a more stable plugin.
Liam Riddell for developing the code behind Plainly.