Inspect Zephyr and TF-M applications, post mortem.
Aerology allows for analysis and inspection of symbols and stacks from a core dump taken from a running zephyr application.
/!\ Warning /!\
This software is at a very early stage of development and the command line interface will change without notice, possibly more than once a day. Further, the documentation is sparse at best.
Currently aerology allows a user to do the following with a core dump of zephyr:
- Pack build diectorys into "zap" zephyr app packages
- print DTS and Config
- Take core dumps over gdb remot protocol
- disassemble functions
- print symbol type and size info
- visualize memory layout from segments & program headers
- query symbols to print values
- visualize stack usage
- Take backtraces from all threads in zephyr & tfm
aerology is built with rust and cargo. See for rust install instructions. Once you have rustup, install the native toolchain for your platform and build aerology.
;rustup update
;cargo install --path .
The current workflow looks something like:
- Do a west build
- Package the west build into a zap with
aerology pack <build-dir>
- Run your application in qemu (support for other gdb servers pending)
- Take a core dump with
aerology dump <zap>
- Inspect the core dump with the remaining subcommands, e.g.
aerology backtrace <core>
Pretty-Print all of the tfm partition control context structures:
;aerology query dhcpv4_client.core.0 'partition_listhead => llnodes. next => .ctx_ctrl'
3000bf60: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805347216 /*0x30009f90*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805339336 /*0x300080c8*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 805347288 /*0x30009fd8*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000bfa8: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805350664 /*0x3000ad08*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805348168 /*0x3000a348*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 805350736 /*0x3000ad50*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000bff0: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805321152 /*0x300039c0*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805319272 /*0x30003268*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 805321224 /*0x30003a08*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000c038: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805352976 /*0x3000b610*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805351488 /*0x3000b040*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 805353048 /*0x3000b658*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000c080: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805354312 /*0x3000bb48*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805353152 /*0x3000b6c0*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 805354384 /*0x3000bb90*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000c0c8: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805356952 /*0x3000c598*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805356000 /*0x3000c1e0*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 0 /*0x0*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
3000c110: (struct context_ctrl_t) {
.sp = (uint32_t) 805357208 /*0x3000c698*/,
.sp_limit = (uint32_t) 805357024 /*0x3000c5e0*/,
.reserved = (uint32_t) 0 /*0x0*/,
.exc_ret = (uint32_t) 4294967293 /*0xfffffffd*/,
Backtrace all threads in Zephyr and TF-M
;aerology backtrace dhcpv4_client.core.0
Thread zephyr::idle 00
├─ 0106bad4 in z_thread_entry
└─ aaaaaaaa in <unknown>
Thread zephyr::logging
├─ 0106bad4 in z_thread_entry
└─ aaaaaaaa in <unknown>
Thread zephyr::main
├─ 010644f8 in arch_swap
├─ 0106b8dd in k_sys_work_q_init
├─ 01069fe5 in z_sys_init_run_level
├─ 0106a1af in bg_thread_main
├─ 0106bae1 in z_thread_entry
└─ 010645e3 in arch_switch_to_main_thread
Thread zephyr::shell_uart
├─ 0106bad4 in z_thread_entry
└─ aaaaaaaa in <unknown>
Thread tfm_s::3000bf40
├─ 11008e70 in tfm_arch_trigger_pendsv
├─ 11007ee3 in spm_interface_thread_dispatcher
└─ 11021187 in psa_interface_unified_abi
Thread tfm_s::3000bf88
├─ 11008e70 in tfm_arch_trigger_pendsv
├─ 11007ee3 in spm_interface_thread_dispatcher
└─ 11021187 in psa_interface_unified_abi
Thread tfm_s::3000bfd0
├─ 11008e70 in tfm_arch_trigger_pendsv
├─ 11007ee3 in spm_interface_thread_dispatcher
└─ 11021187 in psa_interface_unified_abi
Thread tfm_s::3000c018
├─ 11008e70 in tfm_arch_trigger_pendsv
├─ 11007ee3 in spm_interface_thread_dispatcher
└─ 11021187 in psa_interface_unified_abi
Thread tfm_s::3000c060
├─ 11008e70 in tfm_arch_trigger_pendsv
├─ 11007ee3 in spm_interface_thread_dispatcher
└─ 11021187 in psa_interface_unified_abi
Thread tfm_s::3000c0a8
└─ 11008c85 in tfm_nspm_thread_entry
Thread tfm_s::3000c0f0
└─ 11008ca5 in tfm_idle_thread
Show a summary of the segments described by the zap metadata:
;aerology segments -s dhcpv4_client.core.0
Note: Not to scale.
Key: r = readable, w = writable, x = executable, z = zeroed on startup
┃ = overlapping section
zephyr tfm_s bl2
│ rwz│
│ rw│
3000ff70 ┌──────────┐
│ rwz│
3000bf38 ┢━━━━━━━━━━┪
┃ rw┃
3000bbc0 ┡━━━━━━━━━━┩
30005f40 │ │┌──────────┐
│ ││ rw│
30003ac0 ┢━━━━━━━━━━┪│ │
┃ rw┃│ │
30003a80 ┡━━━━━━━━━━┩│ │
30002020 ┢━━━━━━━━━━┪│ │
┃ rw┃│ │
30002000 ┡━━━━━━━━━━┩│ │
30000400 │ │├──────────┤
│ ││ rwz│
30000000 └──────────┘└──────────┘
│ rwx│
1105f500 ┌──────────┐
│ rx│
1105f4c0 └──────────┘
11021280 ┌──────────┐
│ rx│
11009fe0 └──────────┘
11009f68 ┌──────────┐
│ rwx│
11000000 └──────────┘
100055e0 ┌──────────┐
│ rwx│
10000000 └──────────┘
Show the stack usage of all threads:
;aerology stacks dhcpv4_client.core.0
Key: █: currently in use ▒: used in the past ░: never used
name used max size
zephyr::logging 32b 32b 768b ░░░
zephyr::shell_uart 32b 32b 2048b ░░░░░░░░
zephyr::idle 00 32b 32b 320b ░
zephyr::main 88b 216b 1024b ░░░░
tfm_s::3000bf40 312b 2440b 8192b █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
tfm_s::3000bf88 192b 192b 2688b ░░░░░░░░░░░
tfm_s::3000bfd0 168b 776b 2048b ▒▒▒░░░░░
tfm_s::3000c018 176b 644b 1664b ▒▒░░░░░
tfm_s::3000c060 120b 256b 1280b ▒░░░░
tfm_s::3000c0a8 72b 300b 1024b ▒░░░
tfm_s::3000c0f0 72b 20b 256b ░