The FullStack IC Designer Development will base on the Caravel SoC backbone. We target two ASIC tapeouts: Google Efabless SKY130 with open source EDA flow (Openlane & Efabless Caravel) and TSMC 0.18um with commercial EDA flow. We also plan to develop a validation system for the chips that come back as verification.
FullStack IC Designer Development
Caravel SoC is a platform for developing RISC-V CPU based hardware and software referred from Efabless Caravel “harness” SoC. You can develop and integrate custom design into this platform, then vefify their functionality with open source toolchain.
More detail can be found in Caravel's system specification.
- Ubuntu 20.04+
- RISC-V GCC Toolchains rv32i-4.0.0
- Icarus Verilog v10.3
- Icarus Verilog v12 + GTKWave Windows (option)
- GTKWave v3.3.103
- vtags-3.11
- GDBWave
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install iverilog gtkwave vim python gcc git -y
$ sudo wget -O /tmp/riscv32-unknown-elf.gcc-12.1.0.tar.gz
$ sudo mkdir /opt/riscv
$ sudo tar -xzf /tmp/riscv32-unknown-elf.gcc-12.1.0.tar.gz -C /opt/riscv
$ sudo wget -O /tmp/vtags-3.11.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -xzf /tmp/vtags-3.11.tar.gz -C /opt
$ python /opt/vtags-3.11/
$ git clone
$ cd caravel-soc/
$ python /opt/vtags-3.11/
$ rm -rf vtags.db/
$ chmod +x ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la/run_sim ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb/run_sim ~/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la/run_sim
$ chmod +x ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la/run_debug ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb/run_debug ~/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la/run_debug
$ chmod +x ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la/run_clean ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb/run_clean ~/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la/run_clean
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'alias vtags="python /opt/vtags-3.11/"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'source /opt/vtags-3.11/vtags_vim_api.vim' >> ~/.vimrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
validate your setup & config
$ sudo apt install make g++ zlib1g-dev gdb -y
$ git clone
$ pushd ~/gdbwave/src && make && popd
validate your setup gdbwave - post simulation debugging
├── cvc-pdk # SKY130 OpenRAM SRAM Model
├── firmware # Caravel System Firmware Libraries
├── rtl # Caravel RTL Designs
│ ├── header # Headers
│ ├── soc # Boledu Revised SoC
│ ├── user # User Project Designs
├── testbench # Caravel Testbenches
│ ├── counter_la # Counter with Logic Analyzer Interface
│ ├── counter_wb # Counter with Wishbone Interface
│ └── gcd_la # GCD with Logic Analyzer Interface
└── vip # Caravel Verification IP
In each testbench subdirectory contains
- Firmware driver (.c).
- RTL testbench (.v).
- Included RTL files (.list).
- Run simulation script calls riscv32 command to compile c source to hex target and invokes iverilog && vvp to run RTL simulation.
- GTKWave save file (.gtkw) saves selected signals from caravel-soc modules and corresponded testbench module.
- Run debugging script produces gdb elf file, fst waveform file and starts gdbwave service (gdb remote target).
- Make files and config file for gdb and gdbwave debugging.
- Run clean script removes all simulation and debugging objects. The run debugging script use cases will be demonstrated in next section.
- 32-bit LA input
- 32-bit LA output
- 16-bit mrpj_io as output
Files for simulation:
/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la$ ./run_sim
Reading counter_la.hex
counter_la.hex loaded into memory
Memory 5 bytes = 0x6f 0x00 0x00 0x0b 0x13
VCD info: dumpfile counter_la.vcd opened for output.
LA Test 1 started
LA Test 2 passed
/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la$ gtkwave waveform.gtkw
- 32-bit wishbone input
- 32-bit wishbone output
- 16-bit mrpj_io as output
Files for simulation:
caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb$ ./run_sim
Reading counter_wb.hex
counter_wb.hex loaded into memory
Memory 5 bytes = 0x6f 0x00 0x00 0x0b 0x13
VCD info: dumpfile counter_wb.vcd opened for output.
Monitor: MPRJ-Logic WB Started
Monitor: Mega-Project WB (RTL) Passed
caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb$ gtkwave waveform.gtkw
- 32-bit x 2 LA input
- 32-bit LA output
- 16-bit mrpj_io as output
Files for simulation:
caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la$ ./run_sim
Reading gcd_la.hex
gcd_la.hex loaded into memory
Memory 5 bytes = 0x6f 0x00 0x00 0x0b 0x13
VCD info: dumpfile gcd_la.vcd opened for output.
LA Test seq_gcd(10312050, 29460792)=138 started
LA Test seq_gcd(10312050, 29460792)=138 passed
LA Test seq_gcd(1993627629, 1177417612)=7 started
LA Test seq_gcd(1993627629, 1177417612)=7 passed
LA Test seq_gcd(2097015289, 3812041926)=1 started
LA Test seq_gcd(2097015289, 3812041926)=1 passed
LA Test seq_gcd(1924134885, 3151131255)=135 started
LA Test seq_gcd(1924134885, 3151131255)=135 passed
LA Test seq_gcd(992211318, 512609597)=1 started
LA Test seq_gcd(992211318, 512609597)=1 passed
caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la$ gtkwave waveform.gtkw
Files for debugging:
execute run_debug to start gdbwave service and wait gdb connection
/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la$ ./run_debug
open another ssh terminal, change to ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_la/gdb.debug
direcctory and run make gdb
executed gdb debug commands: (1) n (2) b main (3) c (4) b 122 (5) c (6) list (7) n (8) n (9) n (10) n (11) quit
counter_la.c (section)
gdbwave disconnection to gdb
Files for debugging:
execute run_debug to start gdbwave service and wait gdb connection
/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb$ ./run_debug
open another ssh terminal, change to ~/caravel-soc/testbench/counter_wb/gdb.debug
direcctory and run make gdb
executed gdb debug commands: (1) n (2) b main (3) c (4) b 83 (5) c (6) list (7) n (8) n (9) n (10) n (11) quit
counter_wb.c (section)
gdbwave disconnection to gdb
Files for debugging:
execute run_debug to start gdbwave service and wait gdb connection
/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la$ ./run_debug
open another ssh terminal, change to ~/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la/gdb.debug
direcctory and run make gdb
executed gdb debug commands: (1) n (2) b main (3) c (4) b 148 (5) c (6) list (7) p i (8) c (9) p i (10) c (11) p i (12) c
(13) p i (14) c (15) p i (16) n (17) n (18) n (19) n (20) quit
gcd_la.c (section)
gdbwave disconnection to gdb
We use vim + vtags to find signal trace source/drive target. First case, we demonstrate a signal mprj_io at gcd_la_tb module (gcd_la_tb.v) can be traced back to caravel module (cavavel.v) and chip_io module (chip_io.v).
caravel-soc$ vtags
caravel-soc$ vim vtags.db/
----------------Top Module List-------------
0 : counter_la_tb
1 : counter_wb_tb
2 : debug_regs
3 : gcd_la_tb
4 : sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8
5 : wb_rw_test
Choise Top Module To Open (0-5):
"~/caravel-soc/testbench/gcd_la/gcd_la_tb.v" 275L, 12459C
Press ENTER or type command to continue
<Space><Left> mprj_io at gcd_la_tb.v:29
vtags shows mprj_io connected to caravel module at gcd_la_tb.v:250
<Space><Left> mprj_io at gcd_la_tb.v:250
vtags can't fully parse dependencies of caravel.v, we use vim to find mprj_io connected to chip_io module at cavavel.v:345, then <Space><Left> at mprj_io
Another case, we demonstrate to find a signal clock drive target from gcd_la_tb module (gcd_la_tb.v) to caravel module (cavavel.v) and chip_io module (chip_io.v)
<Space><Right> at gcd_la_tb.v:21
vtags shows clock connected to caravel module at gcd_la_tb.v:248 (current line), then <Space><Right> at clock
found clock at caravel.v:85, then <Space><Right> at clock
found clock connected to chip_io module at caravel.v:346, then <Space><Right> at clock
found clock at chip_io.v:62, then <Space><Right> at clock
found clock connected to clock_core at chip_io.v:140, then <Space><Right> at clock_core