This creates 2 webservers, 1 for the stream (video) on port 81 and 1 for jpg (snapshot), led and ota Just type the ip address of your cam in a browser, the links will be there.
example with ip Browser Stream Link: Browser Single Picture Link: Switch LED ON: Switch LED OFF: Start OTA mode:
If you happen to use the wrong webserver (eg 81 instead of the standard 80, it will be auto matically redirected). Yes this makes it possible to take a snapshot, while watching the live stream ;-) but you will see a glitch in the stream as there is only 1 camera chip
first time setup needs to be done via serial port. After that you can use OTA. Just follow the link to put the ESP32-cam into OTA mode and change from com to ip in platform.ini
Manual set to OTA by connecting IO12 to ground for a sec, then disconnect
This repository is forked from the Circuitrocks@Learn blog how to stream a video from the ESP32-CAM to a RTSP client or web browser.
The source code for PlatformIO is in the src subfolder. There you can also set your credentials for the network.
First you should configure your Wifi credentials. This can bea easily done in src/wifikeys.h. After this, compile and upload your code.
Just open the folder containing the files with PlatformIO and adjust your settings in platformio.ini. Required libraries are either automatically installed (OneButton) or in the lib folder (Micro-RTSP).