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MPF File (PS2 Models)


An MPF file contains model names, bones, UV maps, normals, vertices and other model data.
Used for boards, characters and accessories.


The file structure was reversed by kris2ffer. You can find their C# struct here.

File Header

Section 0 - Bytes[12]

Offset Type Description Key
0x00 UInt32 Unknown (Possibly version or magic)
0x04 Int16 Count of Models mdlCount
0x06 Int16 Offset of Model Header list
0x08 UInt32 Offset of first/root model mdlRootOffset

Model Header

Section 1 - Bytes[]

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 Bytes[16] Name of model (ASCII string with a max length of 16 bytes) mdlName
0x10 UInt32 Offset of model mdlOffset mdlRootOffset
0x14 UInt32 Size of model in bytes
0x18 UInt32 Offset of Model data start mdlOffset
0x1C UInt32 Offset of Bone weight/extra mdlOffset
0x20 UInt32 Offset of some unknown data mdlOffset
0x24 UInt32 Offset of Mesh Data mdlOffset
0x28 UInt32 Unknown
0x2C UInt32 Offset of Bone weight/extra mdlOffset
0x30 UInt32 Offset of Number list reference mdlOffset
0x34 UInt32 Offset of Bone weight/extra mdlOffset
0x38 UInt32 Unknown
0x3C UInt16 Unknown
0x3E UInt16 Unknown (Count?)
0x40 UInt16 Unknown (Bone Count?)
0x42 UInt16 Count of the Bone weight/extra sections
0x44 UInt16 Count of Internal Meshes
0x46 UInt16 Unknown
0x48 UInt16 Count of Bones?
0x4A UInt16 Unknown
0x4C UInt32 Filler/Padding


  • Bone weight headers
  • Bone weights
  • Number list references
  • Unknown list
  • Unknown data
  • Internal mesh references
  • Internal meshes
  • bytes[32] (footer)


Bone Weight Header

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Length of array/list
0x04 UInt32 Offset to Bone weight list ?
0x08 UInt32 Unknown (Filler)

Bone Weight

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Bone weight (0 to 100)
0x02 UInt32 Bone ID
0x03 UInt32 Unknown

Number List Ref

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Count
0x04 UInt32 Offset of Number list ?

Unknown Data

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Unknown (Always 1)
0x04 UInt32 Unknown (3 with one internal mesh, 4 with 2 internal meshes) ?
0x08 UInt32 Unknown (Always -1)

Internal Mesh refs

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Count
0x04 UInt32 Offset of internal mesh offset table ?

Internal Mesh

  • model/mesh data
  • bytes[32] (footer)

Offset of internal mesh offset OR Internal mesh header

Offset of internal mesh

Mesh Data

Offset Type Description Key
0x00 UInt24 Count of total rows
0x03 Byte Unknown (Always 10)
0x04 Bytes[12] Unknown (Filler/Padding)
0x10 Bytes[13] Unknown (Always 0x00000000010100010000000000)
0x1D Byte Prefix of count (0x80)
0x1E Byte Count of total mesh info rows (sum of the amount of mesh info rows and the amount of triangle strip count rows)
0x1F Byte Suffix of count (0x6c)
0x20 Bytes[16] Mesh info row
0x30 Bytes[16] Mesh info row
  • Triangle Strip Count Row

The amount of triangle strip rows can be calculated by subtracting 2 from total mesh info count (see 0x1E)
First type is assumed to be either UInt32 or Byte

Type Description
UInt32 Count of vertices within triangle strip
Bytes[12] Padding

mesh data continued:

Type Description
UInt24 Count of vertices (?)
Byte Unknown (Always 0x10
Bytes[12] Unknown

UV Block

Type Desc Key
Bytes[16] Header of UV Block (0x00100000001000000000002050505050)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte Unknown
Byte Prefix of UV count (0x80)
Byte Count of UVs
Byte Suffix of UV count (0x6D)


Type Description
UInt16 UV map U
UInt16 UV map V
UInt16 UV map U distance
UInt16 UV map V distance
  • Filler - Byte

Normal Block

Type Desc Key
Bytes[16] Header of normal Block (0x00000000008000000000002040404040)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte Unknown
Byte Prefix of Normal Count (0x80)
Byte Count of Normals
Byte Suffix of Normal count (0x79)


Type Description
UInt16 Normal X direction
UInt16 Normal Y direction
UInt16 Normal Z direction
  • Filler - Byte

Vertex Block

Type Desc Key
Bytes[16] Header of Vertex Block (0x000000000000803F0000002040404040)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte Unknown
Byte Prefix of Vertex count (0x80)
Byte Count of Vertices
Byte Suffix of Vertex count (0x78)


Type Description
Float32 Location X
Float32 Location Y
Float32 Location Z
  • Filler - Byte

  • Footer - Bytes[32] 0x......

End of MPF info

MXF File (Xbox Models)


An MXF file contains model names, bones, UV maps, normals, vertices and other model data.
Used for boards, characters and accessories.


File Header

Section 0 - Bytes[12]

Offset Type Description Key
0x00 UInt32 Unknown (Possibly version or magic)
0x04 Int16 Count of Models mdlCount
0x06 Int16 Offset of Model Header list
0x08 UInt32 Offset of first/root model mdlRootOffset

Model Header

Section 1 - Bytes[396]

The amount of model headers is determined by mdlCount

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 Bytes[16] Model Name (An ASCII string with a maximum length of 16 bytes) mdlName
0x10 UInt32 Offset of Model mdlOffset mdlRootOffset
0x14 UInt32 Size of Model in bytes mdlSizeBytes
0x18 UInt32 Offset of Bone Data mdlOffset
0x1C UInt32 Offset of Bone Data mdlOffset
0x20 UInt32 Unknown
0x24 UInt32 Offset of Bone Data mdlOffset
0x28 UInt32 Offset of Unknown Data or end of bone data (Before 0xFFFFFFFF's) mdlOffset
0x2C UInt32 Offset of Model Data (After 0xFFFFFFFF's) mdlOffset
0x30 UInt32 Offset of Model Data (After 0xFFFFFFFF's) mdlOffset
0x34 UInt32 Offset of Triangle Strip Data triDataOffset mdlOffset
0x38 UInt32 Unknown
0x3C UInt32 Offset of Vertex Data mdlOffset
0x40 UInt32 Unknown
0x44 UInt32 Unknown Offset (Could be bone data or end of vertex data)
0x48 Bytes[324] Unknown (TBD)

Model header is part of a list
Unknown Data (see 0x28) may contain inverse kinematics points/targets (point0 XYZ, unk, point1 XYZ, unk)

Bone Data

Offset Type Description Key
0x00 Bytes[16] Name of Bone (ASCII string with a maximum length of 16 bytes) boneName
0x10 UInt16 Unknown (First bone always has 0xFFFF)
0x12 UInt16 ID of Parent Bone (First bone always has 0xFFFF) boneParentID
0x14 UInt16 Unknown
0x16 UInt16 ID of Bone boneID
0x18 Float32 Location X
0x1C Float32 Location Y
0x20 Float32 Location Z
0x24 Float32 Rotation Euler Radian X
0x28 Float32 Rotation Euler Radian Y
0x2C Float32 Rotation Euler Radian Z
0x30 Float32 Rotation Euler Radian X
0x34 Float32 Rotation Euler Radian Y
0x38 Float32 Rotation Euler Radian Z
0x3C Bytes[24] Contains 6 float values with either -1.0 or 1.0

Location and Rotation is relative to parent bone.

Triangle Strip Data

Offset Type Description Key Rel
0x00 UInt32 Offset of Triangle indices mdlOffset
0x04 UInt32 Triangle Count triCount
0x08 Bytes[8] Unknown

Triangle indices

The amount of triangle indices is determined by triCount

Type Description
UInt16 Triangle index

First strip usually starts off with 0x0000 0x0100 0x0200
If there's multiple strips, triangle indices will be separated by 0xFFFF

Vertex Data


Offset Type Description Key
0x00 Float32 Vertex X position vtxPosX
0x04 Float32 Vertex Y position vtxPosY
0x08 Float32 Vertex Z position vtxPosZ
0x0C Float32 Unknown (1.0)
0x10 Float32 Normal (vertex) X direction nrmDirX
0x14 Float32 Normal (vertex) Y direction nrmDirY
0x18 Float32 Normal (vertex) Z direction nrmDirZ
0x1C UInt32 Unknown (0 or 1, Filler/Padding)
0x20 Float32 Unknown
0x24 Float32 Unknown
0x28 Float32 Unknown
0x2C Float32 Unknown (1.0)
0x30 Float32 UV Map U texMapU
0x34 Float32 UV Map V texMapV
0x38 UInt32 0xFFFFFFFF
0x3C UInt32 Unknown

Unknown float3 at 0x20 might be Face Normals or Tangent Normals for normal/bump maps.