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Add and export retrieve_symmetries
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Liozou committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 8c9b9ad commit 5778904
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 51 deletions.
168 changes: 117 additions & 51 deletions src/symmetries.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ include("symmetry_groups.jl")
export find_hall_number,

import spglib_jll: libsymspg
import LinearAlgebra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +239,51 @@ function get_spglib_dataset(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, vtypes=nothing; to

function _find_closest_point_after_symop(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding{D,T}, t::SVector{D,T}, r, curr_pos, k::Int) where {D,T}
transl = (isnothing(r) ? curr_pos : (r * curr_pos)) .+ t
ofs = floor.(Int, transl)
x = transl .- ofs
i, j = x < curr_pos ? (1, k) : (k, length(pge.pos)+1)
while j - i > 1
m = (j+i)>>1
if cmp(x, pge.pos[m]) < 0
j = m
i = m
i -= i > length(pge.pos)
pge.pos[i] == x || return PeriodicVertex{D}(0)
return PeriodicVertex(i, ofs)

function _find_closest_point_after_symop(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding{D,T}, t::SVector{D,T}, r, curr_pos, rest::Tuple) where {D,T}
transl = (isnothing(r) ? curr_pos : (r * curr_pos)) .+ t
ofs = floor.(Int, transl)
x = transl .- ofs
if T <: Rational
notencountered, buffer = rest
notencountered, buffer, mat, ortho, safemin = rest
i = notencountered isa Int ? 1 : findfirst(notencountered)
j = notencountered isa Int ? 2 : findnext(notencountered, i+1)
buffer .= pge.pos[i] .- x
mindist = T <: Rational ? norm(pge.pos[i] .- x) : periodic_distance!(buffer, mat, ortho, safemin)
while notencountered isa Int ? j notencountered : j isa Int
buffer .= pge.pos[j] .- x
newdist = T <: Rational ? norm(buffer) : periodic_distance!(buffer, mat, ortho, safemin)
if newdist < mindist
mindist = newdist
i = j
j = notencountered isa Int ? j+1 : findnext(notencountered, j+1)
(T <: Rational ? pge.pos[i] == x : isapprox(mindist, 0.0; atol=0.05)) || return PeriodicVertex{D}(0)
notencountered isa Int || (notencountered[i] = false)
return PeriodicVertex(i, ofs)

check_valid_symmetry(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding{D,T}, t::SVector{D,T}, r=nothing, vtypes=nothing, issorted=false)
Expand All @@ -259,52 +305,43 @@ function check_valid_symmetry(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding{D,T}, t::SVector{D,T},
if !dichotomy
notencountered = trues(n)
buffer = MVector{D,Float64}(undef)
if !(T <: Rational)
if T <: Rational
rest = (notencountered, buffer)
mat = Float64.(pge.cell.mat)
_, ortho, safemin = prepare_periodic_distance_computations(mat)
rest = (notencountered, buffer, mat, ortho, safemin)
for k in 1:n
curr_pos = pge.pos[k]
transl = (isnothing(r) ? curr_pos : (r * curr_pos)) .+ t
ofs = floor.(Int, transl)
x = transl .- ofs
if dichotomy
i, j = x < curr_pos ? (1, k) : (k, length(pge.pos)+1)
while j - i > 1
m = (j+i)>>1
if cmp(x, pge.pos[m]) < 0
j = m
i = m
i -= i > length(pge.pos)
pge.pos[i] == x || return nothing
i, ofs = if dichotomy
_find_closest_point_after_symop(pge, t, r, curr_pos, k)
i::Int = findfirst(notencountered)
_j = findnext(notencountered, i+1)
buffer .= pge.pos[i] .- x
mindist = T <: Rational ? norm(pge.pos[i] .- x) : periodic_distance!(buffer, mat, ortho, safemin)
while _j isa Int
buffer .= pge.pos[_j] .- x
newdist = T <: Rational ? norm(buffer) : periodic_distance!(buffer, mat, ortho, safemin)
if newdist < mindist
mindist = newdist
i = _j
_j = findnext(notencountered, _j+1)
(T <: Rational ? pge.pos[i] == x : isapprox(mindist, 0.0; atol=0.05)) || return nothing
notencountered[i] = false
_find_closest_point_after_symop(pge, t, r, curr_pos, rest)
i == 0 && return nothing
vtypes === nothing || vtypes[i] == vtypes[k] || return nothing
vmap[k] = PeriodicVertex{D}(i, ofs)
if !dichotomy
rest2 = (n, Base.tail(rest)...)
for e in edges(pge.g)
src = vmap[e.src]
dst = vmap[e.dst.v]
newofs = (isnothing(r) ? e.dst.ofs : r * e.dst.ofs) .+ dst.ofs .- src.ofs
rofs = isnothing(r) ? e.dst.ofs : r * e.dst.ofs
if all(T <: Rational ? isinteger : (x -> abs(x - round(x)) < 1e-12), rofs)
newofs = round.(Int, rofs) .+ dst.ofs .- src.ofs
curr_pos2 = pge.pos[e.dst.v] .+ e.dst.ofs
dst = if dichotomy
_find_closest_point_after_symop(pge, t, r, curr_pos2)
_find_closest_point_after_symop(pge, t, r, curr_pos2, rest2)
newofs = dst.ofs .- src.ofs
has_edge(pge.g, PeriodicGraphs.unsafe_edge{D}(src.v, dst.v, newofs)) || return nothing
return vmap
Expand All @@ -316,7 +353,8 @@ __rattype(::Type{Rational{T}}) where {T} = T
find_symmetries(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D, vtypes=nothing, check_symmetry=check_valid_symmetry; tolerance::Union{Nothing,Cdouble}=nothing)
Return a [`SymmetryGroup3D`](@ref) object storing the list of symmetry operations on the
graph embedding.
graph embedding, found using spglib. Use [`retrieve_symmetries`](@ref) to simply extract
the symmetries already specified in the [`Cell`](@ref) of the graph embedding.
If `vtypes !== nothing`, ensure that two vertices `x` and `y` cannot be symmetry-related
if `vtypes[x] != vtypes[y]`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,37 +424,64 @@ function find_symmetries(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, vtypes=nothing, check
ϵ = tolerance isa Nothing ? T <: Rational ? 100*eps(Cdouble) : 0.01 : tolerance
rotations = Array{Cint}(undef, 3, 3, 384)
translations = Array{Cdouble}(undef, 3, 384)
len = ccall((:spg_get_symmetry, libsymspg), Cint,
len = max(1, ccall((:spg_get_symmetry, libsymspg), Cint,
(Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cint}, Cint, Cdouble),
rotations, translations, 384, lattice, positions, types, n, ϵ)
rotations, translations, 384, lattice, positions, types, n, ϵ))
if T <: Rational
den = lcm(len, den)
# The first symmetry should always be the identity, which we can skip
rots = SMatrix{3,3,T,9}[]
transs = SVector{3,T}[]
vmaps = Vector{PeriodicVertex3D}[]
floatpos = [float(x) for x in pge.pos]
hasmirror = false # whether a mirror plane exists or not. If so, the graph is achiral
eqs = Vector{EquivalentPosition{T}}(undef, len-1)
for i in 2:len
rot = SMatrix{3,3,Cint,9}(transpose(rotations[:,:,i]))
rot = SMatrix{3,3,T,9}(transpose(rotations[:,:,i]))
tr = SVector{3,Cdouble}(translations[:,i])
trans = T <: Rational ? SVector{3,T}(round.(__rattype(T), den .* tr) .// den) : SVector{3,T}(tr)
vmap = check_symmetry(pge, trans, rot, vtypes)
eqs[i-1] = EquivalentPosition{T}(rot, trans)
return first(retrieve_symmetries(pge, eqs, vtypes, check_symmetry))

retrieve_symmetries(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, eqs::AbstractVector{S}=pge.cell.equivalents, vtypes=nothing, check_symmetry=check_valid_symmetry) where {T,S}
Return a `(symgroup, discarded)` where `symgroup` is a [`SymmetryGroup3D`](@ref) which
stores the list of symmetry operations on the graph embedding.
These symmetry operations are taken from the list of [`EquivalentPosition`](@ref) `eqs`,
defaulting to those specified in the [`Cell`](@ref) of the graph embedding.
`discarded` is the list of indices `i` such that the operation `eqs[i]` could not be mapped
to an actual symetry of the periodic graph, and was thus discarded.
See [`find_symmetries`](@ref) to automatically determine the symmetries, and for the
definition of the `vtypes` and `check_symmetry` arguments.
function retrieve_symmetries(pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, eqs::AbstractVector{S}=pge.cell.equivalents, vtypes=nothing, check_symmetry=check_valid_symmetry) where {T,S}
vmaps = Vector{PeriodicVertex3D}[]
floatpos = [float(x) for x in pge.pos]
hasmirror = false # whether a mirror plane exists or not. If so, the graph is achiral
discarded = Int[]
_U = promote_type(T,S)
U = isconcretetype(_U) ? U : T
pgeU = U == T ? pge : PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{U}(pge.g, SVector{3,U}.(pge.pos), pge.cell)
for (i, eq) in enumerate(eqs)
rot = U.(eq.mat)
tr = U.(eq.ofs)
vmap = check_symmetry(pgeU, tr, rot, vtypes)
if isnothing(vmap)
trans = SVector{3,T}(pge.pos[last(findmin([norm(x .- tr) for x in floatpos]))])
trans = SVector{3,U}(pge.pos[last(findmin([norm(x .- tr) for x in floatpos]))])
vmap = check_symmetry(pge, trans, rot, vtypes)
isnothing(vmap) && continue
if isnothing(vmap)
push!(discarded, i)
# if rot == LinearAlgebra.I
# error("The periodic graph is not minimal") # TODO: update pge?
# end
hasmirror |= det(rot) < 0
push!(rots, SMatrix{3,3,T,9}(rot))
hasmirror |= det(eq.mat) < 0
push!(vmaps, vmap::Vector{PeriodicVertex3D})
push!(transs, trans)
return SymmetryGroup3D{T}(vmaps, rots, transs, hasmirror, length(pge.pos))
neweqs = isempty(discarded) ? eqs : deleteat!(copy(eqs), discarded)
SymmetryGroup3D(vmaps, neweqs, hasmirror, length(pge.pos)), discarded

function identify_symmetry(x::SymmetryGroup3D)
Expand All @@ -430,6 +495,7 @@ function identify_symmetry(x::SymmetryGroup3D)
rotations[:,:,i+1] .= transpose(eq.mat)
translations[:,i+1] .= eq.ofs
return ccall((:spg_get_hall_number_from_symmetry, libsymspg), Cint,
(Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Cdouble), rotations, translations, n, 1e-7)
return ccall((:spg_get_spacegroup_type_from_symmetry, libsymspg), Cint,
(Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, NTuple{9,Cdouble}, Cdouble),
rotations, translations, n, (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1e-7)

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