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Optimize PeriodicGraph building from edge list
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Liozou committed Feb 22, 2022
1 parent 9ee0c53 commit 6611b17
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Showing 4 changed files with 244 additions and 40 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "PeriodicGraphs"
uuid = "18c5b727-b240-4874-878a-f2e242435bab"
authors = ["Lionel Zoubritzky [email protected]"]
version = "0.5.0"
version = "0.5.1"

Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
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157 changes: 126 additions & 31 deletions src/PeriodicGraphs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ const PeriodicGraph1D = PeriodicGraph{1}
const PeriodicGraph2D = PeriodicGraph{2}
const PeriodicGraph3D = PeriodicGraph{3}

function PeriodicGraph{N}(nv::Integer, t, s) where N
return PeriodicGraph{N}(Ref(nv), t, s, Ref(-1//1))
function PeriodicGraph{N}(ne::Integer, t, s) where N
return PeriodicGraph{N}(Ref(ne), t, s, Ref(-1//1))

Expand All @@ -233,9 +233,81 @@ end
Construct a `PeriodicGraph{N}` with `nv` vertices and 0 edge.
function PeriodicGraph{N}(n::Integer = 0) where N
@assert n >= 0
return PeriodicGraph{N}(0, [PeriodicVertex{N}[] for _ in 1:n], [1 for _ in 1:n])

function from_edges(nv, t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where {N}
isempty(t) && return PeriodicGraph{N}(nv)

directedgestart = ones(Int, nv)
counterdirect = zeros(Int, nv)
numdifferentindirect = zeros(Int, nv)
last_e = first(t)
numdifferentindirect[last_e.dst.v] = 1
for e in t
s = e.src
d = e.dst.v
directedgestart[d] += 1
counterdirect[s] += 1
numdifferentindirect[d] += ((s != last_e.src) | (d != last_e.dst.v))
last_e = e

nlist = Vector{Vector{PeriodicVertex{N}}}(undef, nv)
counterindirect = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, nv)
for i in 1:nv
nlist[i] = Vector{PeriodicVertex{N}}(undef, counterdirect[i] + directedgestart[i] - 1)
counterdirect[i] = 0
counterindirect[i] = zeros(Int, numdifferentindirect[i] + 1)

# First pass: set the direct edges
idx_indirect = ones(Int, nv)
last_e = first(t)
for e in t
s = e.src
d = e.dst.v
nlist[s][directedgestart[s] + counterdirect[s]] = e.dst
counterdirect[s] += 1
if ((s != last_e.src) | (d != last_e.dst.v))
last_d = last_e.dst.v
idx_indirect[last_d] += 1
val = idx_indirect[last_d]
counterindirect[last_d][val] += counterindirect[last_d][val-1]
counterindirect[d][idx_indirect[d]] += 1
last_e = e

@simd for i in 1:nv; idx_indirect[i] = 1; end

# Second pass: set the indirect edges
last_e = first(t)
current_idx = idx_indirect[last_e.dst.v]
for e in t
s = e.src
d = e.dst.v
if ((s != last_e.src) | (d != last_e.dst.v))
idx_indirect[last_e.dst.v] += 1
current_idx = idx_indirect[d]
nlist[d][counterindirect[d][current_idx]] = PeriodicVertex(s, .- e.dst.ofs)
counterindirect[d][current_idx] -= 1
last_e = e

return PeriodicGraph{N}(length(t), nlist, directedgestart)

function from_edges(t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where N
@static if VERSION < v"1.6-"
isempty(t) && return from_edges(0, t)
return from_edges(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t), t)
return from_edges(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t; init=0), t)

PeriodicGraph([nv::Integer, ]edge_list::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}})
PeriodicGraph{N}([nv::Integer, ]edge_list::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}})
Expand All @@ -260,21 +332,22 @@ julia> ne(g)
function PeriodicGraph{N}(nv::Integer, t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where N
sort!(t); unique!(t)
ne = length(t)
g = PeriodicGraph{N}(nv)
for e in t
add_edge!(g, e)
for (i, e) in enumerate(t)
if isindirectedge(e)
t[i] = reverse(e)
return g
sort!(t); unique!(t)
return from_edges(nv, t)

PeriodicGraph(nv::Integer, t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where {N} = PeriodicGraph{N}(nv, t)
function PeriodicGraph{N}(t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where N
@static if VERSION < v"1.6-"
isempty(t) && return PeriodicGraph(0, t)
return PeriodicGraph(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t), t)
isempty(t) && return PeriodicGraph{N}(0, t)
return PeriodicGraph{N}(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t), t)
return PeriodicGraph(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t; init=0), t)
return PeriodicGraph{N}(maximum(max(e.src, e.dst.v) for e in t; init=0), t)
PeriodicGraph(t::AbstractVector{PeriodicEdge{N}}) where {N} = PeriodicGraph{N}(t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,6 +398,19 @@ end
Base.isempty(k::KeyString) = isempty(SubString(k.x, k.start[]))
Base.IteratorSize(::Type{<:KeyString}) = Base.SizeUnknown()

function edges_from_string(key::KeyString{Int}, ::Val{N}) where N
edgs = PeriodicEdge{N}[]
while !isempty(key)
src = popfirst!(key)
dst = popfirst!(key)
ofs = SVector{N,Int}([popfirst!(key) for _ in 1:N])
push!(edgs, PeriodicEdge{N}(src, dst, ofs))
return edgs

Expand All @@ -341,6 +427,10 @@ and for all `i` between `1` and `m`, the number of edges, the `i`-th edge is des
This compact representation of a graph can be obtained simply by `print`ing the graph
or with `string`.
!!! note
Use `parse(PeriodicGraph, key)` or `parse(PeriodicGraph{N}, key)` for a faster
implementation if `key` was obtained from `string(g)` with `g` a `PeriodicGraph{N}`.
## Examples
julia> PeriodicGraph("2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 -1")
Expand All @@ -352,32 +442,32 @@ PeriodicGraph3D(1, PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 1, (0,0,1)), (1, 1, (0,1,0)), (1, 1, (1,0,
julia> string(ans)
"3 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0"
julia> string(PeriodicGraph(ans)) == ans
julia> string(parse(PeriodicGraph3D, ans)) == ans
function PeriodicGraph{N}(s::AbstractString) where N
key = KeyString{Int}(s)
M = popfirst!(key)
M != N && throw(DimensionMismatch("Cannot construct a $N-dimensional graph from a $M-dimensional key"))
edgs = PeriodicEdge{N}[]
while !isempty(key)
src = popfirst!(key)
dst = popfirst!(key)
ofs = SVector{N,Int}([popfirst!(key) for _ in 1:N])
push!(edgs, PeriodicEdge{N}(src, dst, ofs))
return PeriodicGraph{N}(edgs)
return PeriodicGraph{N}(edges_from_string(key, Val(N)))
function PeriodicGraph(s::AbstractString)
N = first(KeyString{Int}(s))
return PeriodicGraph{N}(s)
function PeriodicGraph{N}(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
PeriodicGraph{N}([], [copy(x) for x in g.nlist], copy(g.directedgestart))
key = KeyString{Int}(s)
N = popfirst!(key)
return PeriodicGraph{N}(edges_from_string(key, Val(N)))
PeriodicGraph(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicGraph{N}(g)

function Base.parse(::Type{PeriodicGraph{N}}, s::AbstractString) where N
key = KeyString{Int}(s)
popfirst!(key) # No verification is done for this function
return from_edges(edges_from_string(key, Val(N)))
function Base.parse(::Type{PeriodicGraph}, s::AbstractString)
key = KeyString{Int}(s)
N = popfirst!(key)
return from_edges(edges_from_string(key, Val(N)))

function show(io::IO, g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
if get(io, :typeinfo, Any) != PeriodicGraph{N}
Expand All @@ -392,6 +482,13 @@ function print(io::IO, g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N

function PeriodicGraph{N}(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
PeriodicGraph{N}([], [copy(x) for x in g.nlist], copy(g.directedgestart))
PeriodicGraph(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicGraph{N}(g)
Base.copy(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicGraph{N}(g)

==(g1::PeriodicGraph, g2::PeriodicGraph)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,8 +1022,7 @@ function graph_width!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
g.width[] = width == nv(g)+1 ? Rational(maxa) : width

function Graphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},PeriodicGraph{2},PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where U <: Real
@assert typeof(neighborfn) === typeof(outneighbors)
function Graphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},PeriodicGraph{2},PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, ::typeof(outneighbors)) where U <: Real
N = ndims(g)
Q = Tuple{PeriodicVertex{N}, U}[]
d < zero(U) && return Q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -957,8 +1053,7 @@ function Graphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},Periodi
return Q

function Graphs._neighborhood(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where {N,U <: Real}
@assert typeof(neighborfn) === typeof(outneighbors)
function Graphs._neighborhood(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, ::typeof(outneighbors)) where {N,U <: Real}
Q = Tuple{PeriodicVertex, U}[]
d < zero(U) && return Q
start_vertex = PeriodicVertex{N}(v)
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/precompile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ function _precompile_()
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{Type{PeriodicGraph{i}}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{Type{PeriodicGraph{i}},Vector{PeriodicEdge{i}}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{Type{PeriodicGraph{i}},String})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{Type{PeriodicGraph{i}},SubString{String}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{Type{PeriodicGraph},PeriodicGraph{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(copy),PeriodicGraph{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Base.parse),Type{PeriodicGraph{i}},String})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Base.parse),Type{PeriodicGraph{i}},SubString{String}})

@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(==),PeriodicVertex{i},PeriodicVertex{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(<),PeriodicVertex{i},PeriodicVertex{i}})
Expand All @@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ function _precompile_()
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(==),PeriodicGraph{i},PeriodicGraph{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(hash),PeriodicGraph{i},UInt})

@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Graphs._neighborhood),PeriodicGraph{i},Int,Int,Graphs.DefaultDistance,Function})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Graphs._neighborhood),PeriodicGraph{i},Int,Int,Graphs.DefaultDistance,typeof(outneighbors)})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Graphs.add_edge!),PeriodicGraph{i},PeriodicEdge{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(add_vertex!),PeriodicGraph{i}})
@enforce Base.precompile(Tuple{typeof(Graphs.add_vertices!),PeriodicGraph{i},Int})
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2 comments on commit 6611b17

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@Liozou Liozou commented on 6611b17 Feb 22, 2022

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