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Add specialization for 1D; various tests and minor fixes
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Liozou committed Oct 30, 2020
1 parent 4c5b70c commit 74f7009
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 25 deletions.
46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions src/PeriodicGraphs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using LightGraphs
export PeriodicVertex, PeriodicEdge, PeriodicGraph,
PeriodicVertex1D, PeriodicEdge1D, PeriodicGraph1D,
PeriodicVertex2D, PeriodicEdge2D, PeriodicGraph2D,
PeriodicVertex3D, PeriodicEdge3D, PeriodicGraph3D,
coordination_sequence, cellgraph, periodiccellgraph,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ end
isless(x::PeriodicVertex{N}, y::PeriodicVertex{N}) where {N} = cmp(x, y) < 0
==(x::PeriodicVertex{N}, y::PeriodicVertex{M}) where {N,M} = N == M && iszero(cmp(x, y))

const PeriodicVertex1D = PeriodicVertex{1}
const PeriodicVertex2D = PeriodicVertex{2}
const PeriodicVertex3D = PeriodicVertex{3}

Expand All @@ -71,6 +73,14 @@ function hash_position((x1,x2)::SVector{2,<:Integer})
return b*(x2 + x1^2) + (!b)*(x1 + x2*(x2 + 1) + 1)

function hash_position((x,)::SVector{1,<:Integer})
return ZtoN(x)

function hash_position(::SVector{0,<:Integer})
return 0

hash_position(x::PeriodicVertex{N}, n::Integer) where {N}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,13 +167,11 @@ function show(io::IO, x::PeriodicEdge{N}) where N
print(io, '(', x.src, ", ", x.dst.v, ", (", join(x.dst.ofs, ','), ')', ')')

const PeriodicEdge1D = PeriodicEdge{1}
const PeriodicEdge2D = PeriodicEdge{2}
const PeriodicEdge3D = PeriodicEdge{3}

function LightGraphs.reverse(e::PeriodicEdge{N}) where N
if e.src == e.dst
return e
return unsafe_edge{N}(e.dst.v, e.src, .-e.dst.ofs)
LightGraphs.src(e::PeriodicEdge) = e.src
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +207,7 @@ struct PeriodicGraph{N} <: AbstractGraph{Int}

const PeriodicGraph1D = PeriodicGraph{1}
const PeriodicGraph2D = PeriodicGraph{2}
const PeriodicGraph3D = PeriodicGraph{3}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,14 +294,18 @@ function iterate(k::KeyString{T}, (next_char, idx)) where T
tmp = idx
next_char, idx = state
return (parse(T, SubString(k.x, start:stop)), state)
ret = tryparse(T, SubString(k.x, start:stop))
if ret isa T
return (ret, state)
throw(ArgumentError("Intput string does not represent a graph"))
function iterate(k::KeyString)
iterate(k, (' ', k.start[]))
function Base.popfirst!(k::KeyString)
next = iterate(k)
next isa Nothing && throw(ArgumentError("collection must be non-empty"))
next isa Nothing && throw(ArgumentError("Intput string does not represent a graph"))
char, state = next
k.start[] = state isa Nothing ? (ncodeunits(k.x) + 1) : last(state)
return char
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find_edges(g::PeriodicGraph, s::Int, d::Int)
Return the set of edges of graph `g` such that the source vertex identifier is `s`
and the destination vertex identifier is `d`.
Return the set of PeriodicVertex `v` of graph `g` such that there is an edge
between a source vertex of identifier `s` and `v`, and the identifier of `v` is `d`.
function find_edges(g::PeriodicGraph, s::Int, d::Int)
function find_edges(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, s::Int, d::Int) where N
((s < 1) | (s > nv(g))) && return false
#=@inbounds=# begin
start = g.directedgestart[s]
lo, hi = s > d ? (1, start-1) : (start, lastindex(g.nlist[s]))
rng = searchsorted(g.nlist[s], d, lo, hi, Lt((x,y)->isless(x.v, y)))
if s == d.v
rng = searchsorted(g.nlist[s], d, lo, hi, Lt((x,y)->isless(x isa Integer ? x : x.v, y isa Integer ? y : y.v)))
if s == d
rng = (2*first(rng) - last(rng) - 1):last(rng)
return g.nlists[rng]
return g.nlist[s][rng]
function LightGraphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -768,21 +781,22 @@ end
@noinline __throw_invalid_offsets() = throw(ArgumentError("The size of offsets does not match the number of vertices"))

swap_axes!(g::PeriodicGraph, t::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
swap_axes!(g::PeriodicGraph, t)
In-place modifies graph `g` so that the new initial cell corresponds to the previous
one with its axes swapped according to the permutation `t`.
Note that the resulting graph is isomorphic to the initial one, only the representation
has changed.
function swap_axes!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, t::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) where N
function swap_axes!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, t) where N
length(t) == N || __throw_invalid_axesswap()
tt::Vector{Int} = t isa Vector ? t : collect(t)
for i in vertices(g)
neighs = g.nlist[i]
for j in 1:length(neighs)
x = neighs[j]
neigh = PeriodicVertex{N}(x.v, x.ofs[t])
neigh = PeriodicVertex{N}(x.v, x.ofs[tt])
neighs[j] = neigh
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -836,7 +850,7 @@ the fields).
function graph_width!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
distances = floyd_warshall_shortest_paths(cellgraph(g)).dists
extremalpoints = NTuple{N,NTuple{2,Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}}}((([],[]),([],[]),([],[])))
extremalpoints = NTuple{N,NTuple{2,Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}}}([([],[]) for _ in 1:N])
# a, x ∈ extremalpoints[i][j] where i ∈ ⟦1,N⟧ and j ∈ ⟦1,2⟧ means that
# vertex x has a neighbor whose offset is a*(-1)^(j-1) along dimension i
maxa = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -878,7 +892,7 @@ function graph_width!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
g.width[] = width == nv(g)+1 ? Rational(maxa) : width

function LightGraphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{2}, PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where U <: Real
function LightGraphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},PeriodicGraph{2},PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where U <: Real
@assert typeof(neighborfn) === typeof(outneighbors)
N = ndims(g)
Q = Tuple{PeriodicVertex{N}, U}[]
Expand Down
126 changes: 117 additions & 9 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ end
@test ndims(PeriodicVertex2D(1)) == 2
@test PeriodicVertex2D(1) != PeriodicVertex3D(1)
@test PeriodicVertex{4}(5) == PeriodicVertex{4}(5)
@test PeriodicVertex{1}(1, SVector{1,Int}(3)) == PeriodicVertex{1}(1, [3])
@test PeriodicVertex1D(1, SVector{1,Int}(3)) == PeriodicVertex1D(1, [3])
@test PeriodicVertex(3, (1,2)) == PeriodicVertex2D(3, (1,2)) == PeriodicVertex(3, SVector{2,Int}(1,2))
@test PeriodicVertex[(1, (-1,0))] == [PeriodicVertex2D(1, (-1,0))] == PeriodicVertex2D[(1, (-1,0))]
@test_throws MethodError PeriodicVertex(2, [4]) # Performance trap if the dimension is unknown
Expand All @@ -45,14 +45,23 @@ end
@test_throws LoopException PeriodicEdge(2, PeriodicVertex3D(2))
@test_throws LoopException PeriodicEdge{0}(3, 3, Int[])
@test_throws LoopException PeriodicEdge(1, 1, ())
PeriodicEdge(1, PeriodicVertex2D(1))
@test false
catch e
@test e isa LoopException
io = IOBuffer()
showerror(io, e)
@test occursin("LoopException", String(take!(io)))
# There should be no default zero offset to prevent programmers from forgetting the offset
@test_throws MethodError PeriodicEdge{1}(1, 2)
@test_throws MethodError PeriodicEdge1D(1, 2)
@test PeriodicEdge2D(1, 2, (0,0)) != PeriodicEdge3D(1, 2, (0,0,0))
@test PeriodicEdge(2, PeriodicVertex2D(1, (1,3))) == PeriodicEdge2D(2, 1, (1,3))
@test PeriodicEdge(1, 1, SVector{1,Int}(2)) == PeriodicEdge{1}(1, 1, SVector{1,Int}(2))
@test PeriodicEdge(1, 1, SVector{1,Int}(2)) == PeriodicEdge1D(1, 1, SVector{1,Int}(2))
@test PeriodicEdge(2, 1, ()) == PeriodicEdge{0}((2, 1, SVector{0,Int}()))
@test PeriodicEdge((1, 2, (1,0,0))) == PeriodicEdge3D((1, 2, (1,0,0)))
@test PeriodicEdge{1}[(1,2,SVector{1,Int}(3))] == PeriodicEdge[(1,2,(3,))] == [PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (3,))]
@test PeriodicEdge1D[(1,2,SVector{1,Int}(3))] == PeriodicEdge[(1,2,(3,))] == [PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (3,))]
@static if VERSION < v"1.6.0-DEV"
@test string(PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 2, (1,0,0))]) == "PeriodicEdge{3}[(1, 2, (1,0,0))]"
@test string(PeriodicEdge(3,4, (0,0))) == "PeriodicEdge{2}(3, 4, (0,0))"
Expand All @@ -62,6 +71,7 @@ end
@test reverse(reverse(PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (2,3,1)))) == PeriodicEdge3D(1, 1, (2,3,1))
@test reverse(PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (1,-2))) == PeriodicEdge(2, 1, (-1,2))
@test reverse(PeriodicEdge(3, 3, (1,0))) == PeriodicEdge(3, 3, (-1,0))
@test src(PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (-1, 0))) == 1
@test dst(PeriodicEdge(2, 2, (1,))) == 2
@test ofs(PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (0,1,3))) == SVector{3,Int}(0,1,3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +102,7 @@ end
@test ne(gg) == nv(gg) == 0 && isempty(edges(gg))
@test ne(g) == nv(g) == 0 && isempty(edges(g))
@test g == gg
@test_throws ArgumentError swap_axes!(g, [2,1])
gg = swap_axes!(g, Int[1,2,3])
@test ne(gg) == nv(gg) == 0 && isempty(edges(gg))
@test ne(g) == nv(g) == 0 && isempty(edges(g))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +172,7 @@ end
@test !has_edge(g, 1, 1)
@test !has_edge(g, PeriodicEdge3D(1, 1, (0,1,1)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (-1,0,0)))
@test has_edge(g, 1, 1)
@test !add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (-1,0,0)))
@test has_edge(g, 1, 1)
@test has_edge(g, PeriodicEdge3D(1, 1, (1,0,0)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,12 +229,15 @@ end

@testset "String graph construction" begin
@test_throws MethodError length(PeriodicGraphs.KeyString{Int}("3 1 2 0 0 0"))
@test PeriodicGraph("0 1 2 1 3") == PeriodicGraph(PeriodicEdge{0}[(1, 2, ()), (1, 3, ())])
@test PeriodicGraph("3") == PeriodicGraph3D("3") == PeriodicGraph3D()
@test ne(PeriodicGraph("3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 -1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0")) == 2
@test nv(PeriodicGraph("2 11 12 0 0")) == 12
@test_throws ArgumentError PeriodicGraph2D("")
@test_throws ArgumentError PeriodicGraph("")
@test_throws ArgumentError PeriodicGraph3D("a")
@test_throws ArgumentError PeriodicGraph2D("2 a")
@test_throws DimensionMismatch PeriodicGraph2D("4 1 2 0 0 0 1")
@test_throws DimensionMismatch PeriodicGraph3D("2 1 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0")
@test_throws ArgumentError PeriodicGraph("1 2 1")
Expand All @@ -234,6 +249,27 @@ end
@test string(PeriodicGraph{5}()) == "5"

@testset "Basic graph representation and functions" begin
@test zero(PeriodicGraph{6}) == PeriodicGraph{6}()
io = IOBuffer()
show(io, PeriodicGraph("2 1 2 0 0 2 3 1 0"))
g1 = eval(Meta.parse(String(take!(io))))
@test g1 isa PeriodicGraph2D
@test string(g1) == "2 1 2 0 0 2 3 1 0"
g2 = PeriodicGraph(g1)
g3 = deepcopy(g1)
@test g1 == g2 == g3
rem_vertex!(g1, 1)
@test g1 != g2 == g3
@test add_edge!(g2, PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (-1,0)))
@test add_edge!(g2, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (1,1)))
@test add_edge!(g2, PeriodicEdge(1, 3, (0,0)))
@test find_edges(g2, 1, 1) == PeriodicVertex2D[(1, (-1,-1)), (1, (1,1))]
@test find_edges(g2, 1, 2) == PeriodicVertex2D[(2, (-1,0)), (2, (0,0))]
@test find_edges(g2, 3, 2) == PeriodicVertex2D[(2, (-1,0))]
@test inneighbors(g2, 2) == outneighbors(g2, 2)

@testset "Complex graphs modifications" begin
edgs = PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 1, (1,0,0)), (1, 2, (0,0,0)), (1, 3, (0,0,1)),
(1, 3, (0,1,-1)), (2, 3, (0,0,0)), (2, 4, (0,-1,0))]
Expand All @@ -249,6 +285,30 @@ end
deleteat!(edgs, 4)
@test ne(g) == length(edges(g)) == length(edgs)
@test collect(edges(g)) == edgs
@test g[[1,2,3,4]] == g
gg = g[[1,4,2,3]]
@test gg != g
@test gg[[1,3,4,2]] == g
gg = g[[3,1]]
@test nv(gg) == 2
@test collect(edges(gg)) == PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 2, (0,0,-1)), (2, 2, (1,0,0))]
@test_throws ArgumentError g[[3,3]]
@test_throws ArgumentError offset_representatives!(gg, [2])
gcopy = deepcopy(g)
@test offset_representatives!(g, [0,0,0,0]) == gcopy == g
ggg = offset_representatives!(gg, [(1,-1,1),0])
@test ggg == gg
@test collect(edges(gg)) == PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 2, (1,-1,0)), (2, 2, (1,0,0))]
gcopy = deepcopy(gg)
offset_representatives!(gg, [(2,1,-3), (2,1,-3)])
@test gg == gcopy
@test_throws ArgumentError swap_axes!(g, [1,3])
ggg = swap_axes!(gg, (1,2,3))
@test gcopy == gg == ggg
ggg = swap_axes!(gg, (2,1,3))
@test gcopy != gg == ggg
@test collect(edges(gg)) == PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 2, (-1,1,0)), (2, 2, (0,1,0))]
@test edges(gg) < edges(gcopy) # lexicographical ordering on the list of edges

Expand All @@ -264,6 +324,29 @@ end
@test length(neighbors(g, 2)) == 3
@test has_edge(g, 2, 2)
@test neighborhood(g, 1, 1) == pushfirst!(collect(neighbors(g, 1)), PeriodicVertex3D(1, (0, 0, 0)))
@test coordination_sequence(g, 1, 3) == zeros(Int, 3)
@test coordination_sequence(g, 3, 6) == [1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4]

g = PeriodicGraph{0}(4)
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge{0}(1, 2, ()))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge{0}(1, 3, ()))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge{0}(2, 4, ()))
@test coordination_sequence(g, 1, 10) == [2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,]

g = PeriodicGraph1D(3)
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (1,)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 2, (0,)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(2, 3, (0,)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(3, 3, (1,)))
@test coordination_sequence(g, 1, 5) == coordination_sequence(g, 3, 5) == [3, 5, 6, 6, 6]
@test coordination_sequence(g, 2, 5) == [2, 4, 6, 6, 6]

g = PeriodicGraph{4}(1)
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (1,0,0,0)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (0,1,0,0)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (0,0,1,0)))
@test add_edge!(g, PeriodicEdge(1, 1, (0,0,0,1)))
@test coordination_sequence(g, 1, 30) == [8i*(i^2+2)/3 for i in 1:30] # sequence A008412 of the OEIS

@testset "Graph reduction" begin
Expand All @@ -280,7 +363,37 @@ end

@testset "Periodic vertex hash" begin
## dim = 0
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{0,Int}()) == 0
## dim = 1
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(0)) == 0
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(-1)) == 1
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(1)) == 2
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(-2)) == 3
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(2)) == 4
@test PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{1,Int}(3)) == 6
## dim = 2
n::Int = 4
seen = falses((2n-1)^2)
for i in -n+1:n-1, j in -n+1:n-1
x = PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{2,Int}(i,j))+1
@test !seen[x]
seen[x] = true
@test all(seen)
append!(seen, falses((2n+1)^2-(2n-1)^2))
for i in (-n,n), j in -n:n
x = PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{2,Int}(i,j))+1
@test !seen[x]
seen[x] = true
for i in -n+1:n-1, j in (-n,n)
x = PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{2,Int}(i,j))+1
@test !seen[x]
seen[x] = true
@test all(seen)
## dim = 3
seen = falses((2n-1)^3)
for i in -n+1:n-1, j in -n+1:n-1, k in -n+1:n-1
x = PeriodicGraphs.hash_position(SVector{3,Int}(i,j,k))+1
Expand All @@ -305,11 +418,6 @@ end
seen[x] = true

for i in 1:length(seen)
if !seen[i]
@show i
@test all(seen)
g = PeriodicGraph3D([PeriodicEdge3D(1, 1, (0, 0, 1)),
PeriodicEdge3D(1, 1, (1, 1, 0))])
Expand Down

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