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Rename dependency LightGraphs to Graphs
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Liozou committed Nov 1, 2021
1 parent 5f79d6a commit ea9dfa0
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Showing 5 changed files with 101 additions and 86 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
name = "PeriodicGraphs"
uuid = "18c5b727-b240-4874-878a-f2e242435bab"
authors = ["Lionel Zoubritzky [email protected]"]
version = "0.2.1"
version = "0.3.0"

LightGraphs = "093fc24a-ae57-5d10-9952-331d41423f4d"
Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"

LightGraphs = "1.3"
Graphs = "1.3"
StaticArrays = "0.12, 1.0"
julia = "1.4"

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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<!-- [![Aqua QA](]( -->

This module allows to manipulate `N`-dimensional periodic graphs, using the new type `PeriodicGraph{N}`. This is a subtype of `AbstractGraph{Int}` from [LightGraphs.jl]( and it extends its API.
This module allows to manipulate `N`-dimensional periodic graphs, using the new type `PeriodicGraph{N}`. This is a subtype of `AbstractGraph{Int}` from [Graphs.jl]( and it extends its API.

The main difference with a simple graph is the notion of offset. Each vertex, of type `PeriodicVertex{N}` is uniquely defined using a numeric identifier (a positive integer, like for any simple graph) associated with the offset of the cell in which the designated vertex is, compared to a fixed reference cell. For instance, all vertices in the reference cell have a zero offset, and may be built like so:
Expand All @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ An edge, of type `PeriodicEdge{N}`, is defined by its representative starting fr
julia> PeriodicEdge{4}(2, PeriodicVertex{4}(3, (0,1,0,0)))
PeriodicEdge{4}(2, 3, (0,1,0,0))

julia> LightGraphs.src(PeriodicEdge{3}(5, 6, (1,0,2)))
julia> Graphs.src(PeriodicEdge{3}(5, 6, (1,0,2)))

julia> LightGraphs.dst(PeriodicEdge{3}(5, 6, (1,0,2)))
julia> Graphs.dst(PeriodicEdge{3}(5, 6, (1,0,2)))

julia> PeriodicGraphs.ofs(PeriodicEdge{3}(5, 6, (1,0,2)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ julia> string(ans) # to obtain the compact representation from the graph
"3 1 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 1"

Note that `PeriodicGraph`s are undirected: for this reason, any edge in the graph of the form `(u, v, (x1, x2, ..., xN))` has a reverse edge in the graph of the form `(v, u, (-x1, -x2, ..., -xN))`. For this reason, calling `LightGraphs.edges` on a `PeriodicGraph` yields an iterator to the edges of the graph that will only show the edges under the canonical form `(u, v, ofs)` with either `u < v` or `u == v && ofs > zero(ofs)`.
Note that `PeriodicGraph`s are undirected: for this reason, any edge in the graph of the form `(u, v, (x1, x2, ..., xN))` has a reverse edge in the graph of the form `(v, u, (-x1, -x2, ..., -xN))`. For this reason, calling `Graphs.edges` on a `PeriodicGraph` yields an iterator to the edges of the graph that will only show the edges under the canonical form `(u, v, ofs)` with either `u < v` or `u == v && ofs > zero(ofs)`.

Neighbors can be obtained using LightGraphs's `neighbors` function, with the same API. It will return the list of neighbors of the given vertex, assuming the vertex is in the reference cell. Each given is given as a `PeriodicVertex`, which contains the offset compared to the reference cell. For instance:
Neighbors can be obtained using Graphs's `neighbors` function, with the same API. It will return the list of neighbors of the given vertex, assuming the vertex is in the reference cell. Each given is given as a `PeriodicVertex`, which contains the offset compared to the reference cell. For instance:
julia> g = PeriodicGraph("3 1 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 1")
PeriodicGraph3D(3, PeriodicEdge3D[(1, 2, (1,0,0)), (1, 3, (0,1,0)), (2, 2, (0,0,1)), (2, 3, (0,1,1))])
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62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions src/PeriodicGraphs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module PeriodicGraphs

using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using LightGraphs
using Graphs

export PeriodicVertex, PeriodicEdge, PeriodicGraph,
PeriodicVertex1D, PeriodicEdge1D, PeriodicGraph1D,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ This function is not part of the official API, use with caution.
struct unsafe_edge{N} end

PeriodicEdge{N} <: LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleEdge{Int}
PeriodicEdge{N} <: Graphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleEdge{Int}
Edge type for an `N`-periodic graph.
An edge is uniquely determined by the vertex identifiers of its source and
destination, and the cell offset between the source vertex and the destination vertex.
struct PeriodicEdge{N} <: LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleEdge{Int}
struct PeriodicEdge{N} <: Graphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleEdge{Int}
function (::Type{unsafe_edge{N}})(src, dst) where N
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ const PeriodicEdge1D = PeriodicEdge{1}
const PeriodicEdge2D = PeriodicEdge{2}
const PeriodicEdge3D = PeriodicEdge{3}

function LightGraphs.reverse(e::PeriodicEdge{N}) where N
function Graphs.reverse(e::PeriodicEdge{N}) where N
return unsafe_edge{N}(e.dst.v, e.src, .-e.dst.ofs)
LightGraphs.src(e::PeriodicEdge) = e.src
LightGraphs.dst(e::PeriodicEdge) = e.dst.v
Graphs.src(e::PeriodicEdge) = e.src
Graphs.dst(e::PeriodicEdge) = e.dst.v

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,13 +422,13 @@ julia> ndims(PeriodicGraph2D(7))
ndims =[]
LightGraphs.nv(g::PeriodicGraph) = length(g.nlist)
LightGraphs.vertices(g::PeriodicGraph) = Base.OneTo(nv(g))
LightGraphs.edges(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicEdgeIter{N}(g) =[]
Graphs.nv(g::PeriodicGraph) = length(g.nlist)
Graphs.vertices(g::PeriodicGraph) = Base.OneTo(nv(g))
Graphs.edges(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicEdgeIter{N}(g)
eltype(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicVertex{N}
LightGraphs.edgetype(::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicEdge{N}
function LightGraphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, s, d)
Graphs.edgetype(::PeriodicGraph{N}) where {N} = PeriodicEdge{N}
function Graphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, s, d)
((s < 1) | (s > nv(g))) && return false
#=@inbounds=# begin
start = g.directedgestart[s]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ function find_edges(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, s::Int, d::Int) where N
return g.nlist[s][rng]
function LightGraphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
function Graphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
s, d = e.src, e.dst
((s < 1) | (s > nv(g))) && return false
#=@inbounds=# begin
Expand All @@ -466,21 +466,21 @@ function LightGraphs.has_edge(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
return i <= length(g.nlist[s]) && g.nlist[s][i] == d
LightGraphs.outneighbors(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = g.nlist[v]
LightGraphs.inneighbors(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = outneighbors(g, v)
Graphs.outneighbors(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = g.nlist[v]
Graphs.inneighbors(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = outneighbors(g, v)
zero(::Type{PeriodicGraph{N}}) where N = PeriodicGraph{N}(0)
LightGraphs.is_directed(::Type{<:PeriodicGraph}) = false
@static if isdefined(LightGraphs, :has_contiguous_vertices)
@inline LightGraphs.has_contiguous_vertices(::Type{<:PeriodicGraph}) = true
Graphs.is_directed(::Type{<:PeriodicGraph}) = false
@static if isdefined(Graphs, :has_contiguous_vertices)
@inline Graphs.has_contiguous_vertices(::Type{<:PeriodicGraph}) = true
LightGraphs.has_vertex(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = 1 <= v <= nv(g)
function LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.add_vertices!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, n::Integer) where N
Graphs.has_vertex(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer) = 1 <= v <= nv(g)
function Graphs.SimpleGraphs.add_vertices!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, n::Integer) where N
append!(g.nlist, [PeriodicVertex{N}[] for _ in 1:n])
append!(g.directedgestart, [1 for _ in 1:n])
g.width[] = -1
return n
function LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.add_vertex!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
function Graphs.SimpleGraphs.add_vertex!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
push!(g.nlist, PeriodicVertex{N}[])
push!(g.directedgestart, 1)
g.width[] = -1
Expand All @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ function _add_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge, ::Val{check}) where check
return true
function LightGraphs.add_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
function Graphs.add_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
(src(e) < 1 || src(e) > nv(g) || dst(e) < 1 || dst(e) > nv(g)) && return false
success = _add_edge!(g, e, Val(true)) && _add_edge!(g, reverse(e), Val(false))
if success
Expand All @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ function _rem_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge, ::Val{check}) where check
return true
function LightGraphs.rem_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
function Graphs.rem_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)
(src(e) < 1 || src(e) > nv(g) || dst(e) < 1 || dst(e) > nv(g)) && return false
success = _rem_edge!(g, e, Val(true)) && _rem_edge!(g, reverse(e), Val(false))
if success
Expand All @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ function LightGraphs.rem_edge!(g::PeriodicGraph, e::PeriodicEdge)

function LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.rem_vertices!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, t::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, keep_order::Bool=false) where N
function Graphs.SimpleGraphs.rem_vertices!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, t::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, keep_order::Bool=false) where N
isempty(t) && return collect(1:nv(g))
(first(t) < 1 || last(t) > nv(g)) && throw(ArgumentError("Vertices to be removed must be in the range 1:nv(g)."))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ function LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.rem_vertices!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, t::Abstract
return vmap

function LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.rem_vertex!(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer)
function Graphs.SimpleGraphs.rem_vertex!(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer)
n = nv(g)
return length(rem_vertices!(g, [v])) == n - 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ function vertex_permutation(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, vlist) where N
return PeriodicGraph{N}([], edges, startoffsets)

function LightGraphs.induced_subgraph(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, vlist::AbstractVector{U}) where {N, U<:Integer}
function Graphs.induced_subgraph(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, vlist::AbstractVector{U}) where {N, U<:Integer}
allunique(vlist) || __throw_unique_vlist()
n = length(vlist)
n == nv(g) && return (vertex_permutation(g, vlist), vlist)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ end
@noinline __throw_invalid_axesswap() = throw(DimensionMismatch("The number of axes must match the dimension of the graph"))

function LightGraphs.connected_components(g::PeriodicGraph)
function Graphs.connected_components(g::PeriodicGraph)
nvg = nv(g)
label = zeros(Int, nvg)

Expand All @@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ function LightGraphs.connected_components(g::PeriodicGraph)
c, d = LightGraphs.components(label)
c, d = Graphs.components(label)
return c

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ function graph_width!(g::PeriodicGraph{N}) where N
g.width[] = width == nv(g)+1 ? Rational(maxa) : width

function LightGraphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},PeriodicGraph{2},PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where U <: Real
function Graphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},PeriodicGraph{2},PeriodicGraph{3}}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where U <: Real
@assert typeof(neighborfn) === typeof(outneighbors)
N = ndims(g)
Q = Tuple{PeriodicVertex{N}, U}[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ function LightGraphs._neighborhood(g::Union{PeriodicGraph{0},PeriodicGraph{1},Pe
return Q

function LightGraphs._neighborhood(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where {N,U <: Real}
function Graphs._neighborhood(g::PeriodicGraph{N}, v::Integer, d::Real, distmx::AbstractMatrix{U}, neighborfn::Function) where {N,U <: Real}
@assert typeof(neighborfn) === typeof(outneighbors)
Q = Tuple{PeriodicVertex, U}[]
d < zero(U) && return Q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ Compute the list of numbers of `n`-th neighbors of vertex `v` in graph `g`, for
`1 ≤ n ≤ dmax`.
function coordination_sequence(g::PeriodicGraph, v::Integer, dmax)
Q = LightGraphs._neighborhood(g, v, dmax, weights(g), outneighbors)
Q = Graphs._neighborhood(g, v, dmax, weights(g), outneighbors)
ret = zeros(Int, dmax)
for (_, d) in Q
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@Liozou Liozou commented on ea9dfa0 Nov 1, 2021

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