A novel automatic evaluation metric for Machine Translation based on word embeddings.
STD incorporates both semantic and lexical features (word embeddings & n-gram & word order) into one metric. It measures the semantic distance between the hypothesis and reference by calculating the minimum cumulative cost that the embedded n-grams of the hypothesis need to “travel” to reach the embedded n-grams of the reference. Experiment results show that STD has a better and more robust performance than a range of state-of-the-art metrics for both the segment-level and system-level evaluation.
python 3.6.5
pyemd, numpy, gensim, sklearn, nltk, jieba, codecs, re
Chinese pretrained model:
English pretrained model:
1. Set pretrained word embeddings model path in config.py 2. STD.py [-h] -r REF -o HYP -l LANG [-a1 ALPHA1] [-a2 ALPHA2] [-a3 ALPHA3] [-a4 ALPHA4] [-b1 BETA1] [-b2 BETA2] [-v] STD: Semantic Travel Distance - An automatic evaluation metric for Machine Translation. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r REF, --ref REF Reference file -o HYP, --hyp HYP Hypothesis file -l LANG, --lang LANG Language: en for English; cn for Chinese -a1 ALPHA1, --alpha1 ALPHA1 Weight of unigram STD score at segment level (Default: 0.5) -a2 ALPHA2, --alpha2 ALPHA2 Weight of bigram STD score at segment level (Default: 0.5) -a3 ALPHA3, --alpha3 ALPHA3 Weight of unigram STD score at syetem level (Default: 0.3) -a4 ALPHA4, --alpha4 ALPHA4 Weight of bigram STD score at system level (Default: 0.7) -b1 BETA1, --beta1 BETA1 Weight of semantic distance matrix (Default: 0.6) -b2 BETA2, --beta2 BETA2 Weight of n-gram order distance matrix (Default: 0.4) -v, --verbose Print score of each sentence (Default: False)