This will not be worked on anymore.
MultiUpdater is an updater for FIRM payloads, CIA applications, and other files on the SD card.
The configuration file is named config.json
and should be placed in /3ds/MultiUpdater/
An example config can be found in the repo.
This project requires ctrulib, zlib, bzip2, xz, libarchive, curl and mbedtls. zlib, bzip2, xz, libarchive, curl and mbedtls can be installed with 3ds_portlibs.
Just run make
in terminal. Bannertool and makerom must be in your PATH or CIA compilation will fail.
MultiUpdater is licensed under the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file.
All of the ctrulib contributors, for ctrulib which this depends upon Angelsl for libctrfgh, from which the example curl code has been taken #Cakey on freenode for help