Form templating tool for Django, which integrates a 'layout' definition to standardize the rendering of columns, groups, and form headers.
It's easy to render a simple form in django ({{ form }}
). But what happens when you want a custom layout? Say you want some fields to be displayed across two columns, or you want formset instances to be grouped visually?
This app lets you render a form using {{ form|layout }}
, which - when rendered - uses layout information provided within your form element to take hints on how to visually lay out the form fields. Then it renders the form using Bootstrap 3 form styling. See example in 'usage' below.
While this app isn't a perfect implementation of this approach; I think it's a great design practice to abstract the layout instructions (things like column behaviour, and visual groups) from the css/styling code that actually implements this structure. This way - when you're upgrading to the next version of bootstrap - you have ONE place to modify your styling. How wonderful!
- using pip:
pip install
- or: add to your requirements.txt:
-e git+
- or: copy the 'layoutform' folder to your python working directory
- Add 'layoutform' to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS
On your form, add a field_layout
class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('first_name','last_name','gender','dob','mom_first_name','mom_last_name')
def field_layout(self):
This optional method defines the field layout on the page. (Ordering, grouping, rows and columns)
It should return:
- a list of elements, which are either headers, rows, or group-blocks
- each row defines a list of fields, each field is it's own column.
- col width defines how wide each column should be. (1-12, default=12)
- col limit (default=None) defines how many columns should be added before creating a new row div.
Note*: col limit does not include any special handling for hidden fields. This may be problematic for forms with a large portion of hidden/smart fields.
return [
{'type':'header', 'name'="Personal Info", 'description':"Enter personal info"},
{'type':'row', 'col_width':6, 'col_limit':2, 'cols':['first_name','last_name','gender','dob']},
{'type':'group_start', 'name'="Mother", 'description':"Enter your mom's details"},
{'type':'row', 'col_width':4, 'col_limit': 2, 'cols':['mom_first_name','mom_last_name']},
Then, within your template:
{% load layoutform %}
<form method="POST" action="." enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form|layout }}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Continue</button>