A pluggable django app that prevents email delivery to un-desiring recipients.
This app was designed to be easily plugged into older django sites with very little configuration or adjustment. It works by monkey_patching django's email delivery classes; adding a blacklist check, and adding a link to unsubscribe to the end of every email.
- using pip:
pip install https://github.com/Litiks/django-simple_unsubscribe/archive/master.zip
- or: add to your requirements.txt:
-e git+https://github.com/Litiks/django-simple_unsubscribe.git#egg=django-simple_unsubscribe
- or: copy the 'unsubscribe' folder to your python working directory
- Add 'unsubscribe' as the FIRST ITEM in your settings.INSTALLED_APPS
- Add to your urls.py:
url(r'^unsub/', include('unsubscribe.urls')),
- run syncdb, or migrate (depending on your django version).
python manage.py migrate
- That's it! You're done!
Confirmation templates are shown on-screen when a user unsubscribes/resubscribes
- unsubscribe/unsubscribe_complete.html
- unsubscribe/resubscribe_complete.html
Email confirmation templates are sent via email when a user unsubscribes/resubscribes
- unsubscribe/email/unsubscribe_complete.txt
- unsubscribe/email/unsubscribe_complete.html
- unsubscribe/email/resubscribe_complete.txt
- unsubscribe/email/resubscribe_complete.html
According to canspam rules, your emails should include your address and a phone number. To add a 'signature' to all outgoing emails, create signature templates as follows:
- unsubscribe/email/signature.txt
- unsubscribe/email/signature.html
Beyond setup, you won't need to make any changes to how you send emails. If you want, you can bypass the unsubscribe logic, (including the signature, and blacklist checks), just add bypass_unsub=True
to your EmailMessage object.
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
email = EmailMessage("subject","message",to=['[email protected]',])
email.bypass_unsub = True
- Correct the handling of mail delivery to multiple recipients.