A simple django app to generate thumbnails for image files stored via django_cumulus
This app was created because easy_thumbnails lacked support for django 1.2, but it works well for all versions of django. It alsp supports temp_urls, and it's very quick. We make use of django's default cache if available, and we only perform remote api calls when the thumbnail gets generated.
- using pip:
pip install https://github.com/Litiks/django_rackspace_thumbnail/archive/master.zip
- or: add to your requirements.txt:
-e git+https://github.com/Litiks/django_rackspace_thumbnail.git#egg=django_rackspace_thumbnail
- or: copy the 'thumbnail' folder to your python working directory
1.Add to Installed Apps::
python manage.py syncdb
# or
python manage.py migrate thumbnail
In templates::
{% load thumbnail_tags %}
<img src='{{ profile.image|thumbnail:"100x100" }}'>