Releases: Lknechtli/BetterCombatEvolved
Releases · Lknechtli/BetterCombatEvolved
Better Combat Evolved 2.0 - Thunderbolt
Please refer to nexus changelog.
Quen changes
Basic quen:
Rank 0 - 1 hit durability / 50% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 1 - 1 hit durability / 55% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 2 - 1 hit durability / 60% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 3 - 2 hit durability / 65% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 4 - 2 hit durability / 70% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 5 - 3 hit durability / 75% damage reduction on each hit
The duration of the sign is now related to the attribute "Sign Intensity", the duration starts at 10 seconds and gets 1 second longer for each 10% sign intensity Geralt has.
Kind of like this.
0% sign intensity - 10 seconds duration
10% sign intensity - 11 seconds duration
20% sign intensity - 12 seconds duration
50% sign intensity - 15 seconds duration
100% sign intensity - 20 seconds duration
150% sign intensity - 25 seconds duration
200% sign intensity - 30 seconds duration
- Quen Intensity increases number of hits at 3/5 and 5/5, starting at 1 hit for 0/5
- each rank in Quen Intensity increases % damage absorbed by 5 %
- every 10% spell power increases duration by 1 second, base duration is 10.
- Cast costs 55 stamina
- Quen Discharge reflects 10% of damage TAKEN per rank while quen is up, up to 50% at rank 5.
Alt quen:
- Absorbs all of the damage from a single hit
- Heals you for 25% of the damage of that hit, or a spellpower scaling % of your health whichever is lower. Don't expect large amounts of healing at low levels. at 50% quen spell power, it heals about 90 damage (2% health with 4400 max health)
- With explosive quen, explosion has twice the range of normal
- Costs all of your stamina once you're hit
- Drains 30 stam/sec at level 1, and 15 stam/sec and level 3
Balancing changes
- Sign perks reverted back to 5% per rank, was 4%
- Increased Ekhidna healing from 1.5% to 2.5%
- Removed multipliers for low high and deadly enemies for better ESGO synergy
- Tweaked toxicity-related skills
- Gave Geralt's fist fighting stats a small increase in damage and a large increase in defence.
Additional Balance Changes
- Increased all buy prices by 35%
- Reduced player sell prices by 40%
- Roughly doubled most quest gold rewards
- Stamina regen for ALL enemies increased from 25% to 75%
- Humans blocks a witcher's blade much less frequently
- Re-worked NPC armor ability types -
- light armors = more dodge, less block
- heavy armors=more block, less dodge, more health
- Added +75% damage resist to Geralt for fist fights(untested!)
- Re-worked ALL trophies, each one now greatly changes combat style.
Quen changes
Basic quen:
Rank 0 - 1 hit durability / 50% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 1 - 1 hit durability / 55% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 2 - 1 hit durability / 60% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 3 - 2 hit durability / 65% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 4 - 2 hit durability / 70% damage reduction on each hit
Rank 5 - 3 hit durability / 75% damage reduction on each hit
The duration of the sign is now related to the attribute "Sign Intensity", the duration starts at 10 seconds and gets 1 second longer for each 10% sign intensity Geralt has.
Kind of like this.
0% sign intensity - 10 seconds duration
10% sign intensity - 11 seconds duration
20% sign intensity - 12 seconds duration
50% sign intensity - 15 seconds duration
100% sign intensity - 20 seconds duration
150% sign intensity - 25 seconds duration
200% sign intensity - 30 seconds duration
- Quen Intensity increases number of hits at 3/5 and 5/5, starting at 1 hit for 0/5
- each rank in Quen Intensity increases % damage absorbed by 5 %
- every 10% spell power increases duration by 1 second, base duration is 10.
- Cast costs 55 stamina
- Quen Discharge reflects 10% of damage TAKEN per rank while quen is up, up to 50% at rank 5.
Alt quen:
- Absorbs all of the damage from a single hit
- Heals you for 25% of the damage of that hit, or a spellpower scaling % of your health whichever is lower. Don't expect large amounts of healing at low levels. at 50% quen spell power, it heals about 90 damage (2% health with 4400 max health)
- With explosive quen, explosion has twice the range of normal
- Costs all of your stamina once you're hit
- Drains 30 stam/sec at level 1, and 15 stam/sec and level 3
Balancing changes
- Sign perks reverted back to 5% per rank, was 4%
- Increased Ekhidna healing from 1.5% to 2.5%
- Removed multipliers for low high and deadly enemies for better ESGO synergy
- Tweaked toxicity-related skills
- Gave Geralt's fist fighting stats a small increase in damage and a large increase in defence.
Quen rebalancing
Basic quen:
- Quen Intensity increases number of hits at 3/5 and 5/5, starting at 1 hit for 0/5
- each rank in Quen Intensity increases % damage absorbed by 5 %
- every 10% spell power increases duration by 1 second, base duration is 10.
- costs 55 stam
- Quen Discharge reflects 10% of damage TAKEN while quen is up, up to 50% at rank 5.
Alt quen:
- Absorbs all of the damage from a single hit
- Heals you for 25% of the damage of that hit, or a spellpower scaling % of your health whichever is lower. Don't expect large amounts of healing at low levels. at 50% quen spell power, it heals about 90 damage (2% health with 4400 max health)
- with explosive quen, explosion has twice the range
- costs all of your stamina once you're hit
- drains 30 stam/sec at level 1, and 15 stam/sec and level 3
- Fix delayed recovery being too powerful
- Removed White rafford invulnerability
- Max toxicity has been changed from 100 to 1,000. This was done to prevent rapid toxicity degeneration. YOU MUST DRINK A RESPEC POTION!!!!
- All potions/decoctions and skills regarding toxicity have been changed to new appropriate toxicity values
- All potions and decoctions duration and effects have been reverted to vanilla
- Each point spent in the alchemy tree increases potion duration from 1% to 5%
- Toxicity management is a thing now.
- The upgradable Kaer Morhen armor has been nerfed on each tier, making the Serpent Armor from the Hearts of Stone DLC superior.
- Ekhidna decoction's healing effect has been changed from 10% to 2% due to BCEv2.0's extensive use of stamina.
- Alternate Quen's cost reduction has been increased from 8% per rank to 25% per rank
- Refreshment has been changed from 2% per rank to 3%
- All trophies have been re-balanced, each providing both positive and negative effects.
- Armor/Weapon enhancements have been decreased from 15% to 10%, but still last 45 minutes.
- All enemies have been re-worked through global modifiers ONLY, this was done to prevent some enemies being vastly overpowered, and to also fix enenmies while doing Ciri quests.
- We are now working very closely with the mod author of Enemy Scaling and Gameplay Overhaul (ESGO) - we strongly recommend that you download it. BCEv2.0's enemies have been tailored to be 100% compatible with ESGO.
- Potion of Clearance has been added to every Inn in the game, and it's price has been reduced from 1,000 to 300.
- Food and water healing effect durations have been decreased almost in half, and their healing rates have been increased.
Initial dev version
This version is older than what is on the nexus - download it there