Lobby installer for Windows
The Lobby
directory is the standalone software. This folder is zipped and distributed for download.
The latest Lobby version is extracted to Lobby/lobby
. This is done when a new version comes out.
- The folder compile-PHP has the requirements to compile PHP
- Use the official PHP doc to compile PHP.
But use this to configure the build :
configure --enable-cli --enable-pdo --with-mysql --with-sqlite3 --with-pdo-mysql --with-pdo-sqlite --with-curl --with-openssl --enable-fileinfo --enable-mbstring --with-mcrypt --enable-zip
- The compile binaries are placed in Lobby/ directory.
The binaries got from compiling are :
- php.exe
- php5ts.dll
- php_curl.dll
- php_gd2.dll
- php_opcache.dll
Besides these, OpenSSL dlls are also included in the Lobby/ directory :
- libeay32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
The install wizard was created using Advanced Installer.
It will create a folder in C:\Program Files called "Lobby" which will have the same files as in the Lobby/ directory in this repo.
The "Documents" folder in "Lobby/" resembles what change happens on the user's My Documents directory.
The visual basic project is in 'LobbyEXE' directory which makes the Lobby.exe file. The 'invisible.vbs' file is used to run 'lobby.bat' in background.
Lobby will run on Currently it is impossible to change it by GUI. If you want to change it, edit the lobby.bat file.