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ShinProg (Logan Tann) edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Getting started

Kagescan is a custom CMS based on nuxt-content. It handles three types of medias :

  • Novel series : A numeric library that stores a group of books having text chapters.
  • Anime series : Stores named playlists of videos (that can be displayed via multiple providers)
  • Manga series : A set of chapters consisting of a list of images

At the time of writing, the site content is manually added via markdown files in the content folder. These files must respect the imposed structure based on the media type. Especially, they all have a yaml header with the kgs_layout property, used by the CMS to render correctly the media.


The anime section of kagescan stores series composed of videos. You can see a serie as a simple playlist of videos.

To create an anime series, simply create the file /content/anime/[serie-id]/, where [serie-id] is the part of the URL that will be published (it is recommended to use only letters and dashes)

The content of the index file should be as follows:

kgs_layout: "anime_page"
title: "Anime name"
subtitle: "(nb) episodes, SUBBED"
poster: "thumbs/anime_cover-A4.png"
description: "Very short summary displayed by search engines or social media cards"

Here is the home page of the serie. You may want to add a summary of the anime.

Then, register an episode by creating the following file at /content/anime/[serie-id]/[episodeNumber].[episode-id].md :

kgs_layout: "anime_episode"
title: "Episode xx : Episode title"
description: "Very short summary displayed by search engines or social media cards"
thumb: "thumbs/episode_xx-16:9.png"
    - player: "video"
      url: "videos/dev.mp4"

Summary of the episode, eventually with copyright infos. Displayed right next to the video.

The player property reference the player to use (actually, only "video" is supported). In the url parameter, reference the video file using relative path (usually, a folder named "video" stores the videos of the serie).


The novel section of kagescan stores series composed of books, all books having multiple text chapters.

To register a serie, create the following file at /content/novel/[serie-id]/ :

kgs_layout: "novel_serie"
title: "Novel serie title"
description: "Very short summary displayed by search engines or social media cards"

Homepage for the novel serie. Include a global summary.

Then, add volumes in the book serie by creating the file /content/novel/[serie-id]/[volume-id]/ :

kgs_layout: "novel_volume"
title: "Volume number : volume name"
description: "Very short summary displayed by search engines or social media cards"
cover: "cover-A4.png"

Include the summary of the volume and bonus images (if relevant). The table of contents and the cover will be auto-generated.

Finally, add chapters to the book by saving the following markdown file : /content/novel/[serie-id]/[volume-id]/[chapterNumber].[chapter-id].md

kgs_layout: "novel_chapter"
title: "Chapter title"

Chapter content.

Default dataset

Maybe one day ?