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react-solidity-web3 Npm Package

It works like a boilerplate package, which assist developer to just use the function and integrate their contracts at ease.

1 Installation

Install react-solidity-web3 with npm

  npm install react-solidity-web3


3 How it works?

const { connectWallet,createWeb3Provider,createContractInstance, executeTransaction,queryData, queryEvents } = require('react-solidity-web3');

var connectOptions = {
  rpcObj: {
    50: "",
    51: ""
  network: "mainnet",
  toDisableInjectedProvider: true

const instance = await connectWallet(connectOptions);
const {provider,signer} = await createWeb3Provider(instance);
const sample = await createContractInstance(address, abi, provider);

How to write data

Consider you have 3 parameters to pass in registerFlights function in the smart contract, then

let _flightAddress = "0xA9e6835929f32DD440290b4c81466ff554b82667";
let _careerFlightNo = "ING695";
let _serviceProviderName = "Indigo Airlines";
let response1 = await executeTransaction(sample, provider, 'registerFlights', [_flightAddress, _careerFlightNo, _serviceProviderName]);

How to Read data from Blockchain with parameters overriden

Consider you have 2 parameters to pass in flights(mapping variable) in the smart contract to read

let _flightId = "1";
let _flightAddress = "0xA9e6835929f32DD440290b4c81466ff554b82667";
let response1 = await queryData(sample, provider, 'flights', [_flightId, _flightAddress]);

How to Read data from Blockchain without params

let response1 = await queryData(sample, provider, 'readAllFlight', []);

How to Read mapping variable

let response1 = await queryData(sample, provider, 'claims', ["asdgasdgsgsd"]);

How to Read Events

let returnvalue = await queryEvents(sample, provider, "InsuranceEvents", response1.blockNumber);

Parms & it's functionalities

Parms Descriptions
connectOptions Object contains rpcObj, network & toDisableInjectedProvider Parms
rpcObj by default it overrides Xinfin Mainnet & Apothem, if you want to override your evem compatible RPC, override it with ChainID:rpc url
network default value mainnet, you can override to Apothem, Rinkeby etc
toDisableInjectedProvider default value true, set to false if you want Metamask to be shown

Function & Description

Functions Descriptions
executeTransaction It calls the send Transaction and writes the data onto Blockchain
queryData It queries the data from Blockchain for a given function, you can read mapping variable, view function, public variable using this function
queryEvents It enables you to read event details by passing block Number
createWeb3Provider It connects with web3 with chosen wallet and results provider & signer details
connectWallet It enables you to connect with your wallet (metamask, XDCPay, Torus, WalletConnect)
createContractInstance It enables you to create a instance for your contract
EthereumContext it enables you to setup in main app.js file and Read thoes in other components
showToasts it enables you to show toast msg after successful execution
showError It enables you to show error message when there is a failure
log it enables you to print detailed log by passing three parms
convertPriceToEth It enables you to convert price to Wei
convertPricefromEth It enables you to convert wei to actual price
upload It enables you to upload image to IPFS
checkCurrencyBalanceForUser It enables to fetch balance for user
getTransactionReceiptMined IN PROGRESS


let response1 = await executeTransaction(sample, provider, 'registerFlights', [_flightAddress, _careerFlightNo, _serviceProviderName]);

Function & Description

Functions Params
executeTransaction It calls the send Transaction and writes the data onto Blockchain
queryData It queries the data from Blockchain for a given function, you can read mapping variable, view function, public variable using this function
queryEvents It enables you to read event details by passing block Number
createWeb3Provider It connects with web3 with chosen wallet and results provider & signer details


let response1 = await executeTransaction(contractInstance, provider, "functionName", [parm1, Parm2...]);

executeTransaction Params

Functions Params
contractInstance Contract that you want to interact with
provider web3 provider
functionName Function you want to interact with
Parm1, Parm2 List of params that function should expect, leave this array empty if no params required to pass


let response1 = await queryData(contractInstance, provider, "functionName", [parm1, Parm2...]);

queryData Params

Functions Params
contractInstance Contract that you want to interact with
provider web3 provider
functionName Function you want to interact with
Parm1, Parm2 List of params that function should expect, leave this array empty if no params required to pass


let response1 = await queryEvents(contractInstance, provider, eventName,blockNumber);

queryEvents Params

Functions Params
contractInstance Contract that you want to interact with
provider web3 provider
eventName Event you want to access
blockNumber BlockNumber(latest)


var connectOptions = {
  rpcObj: {
    50: "",
    51: ""
  network: "mainnet",
  toDisableInjectedProvider: true
const walletinstance = await connectWallet(connectOptions);

connectWallet Params

Functions Params
connectOptions Object to override the rpcObj, network & metamask injection


    const {provider,signer} = await createWeb3Provider(walletinstance);

createWeb3Provider Params

Functions Params
walletinstance Result of connectWallet should be passed as input here


 const contractInstance = await createContractInstance(contractAddress, abi, provider);

createContractInstance Params

Functions Params
contractAddress your smart contract address
abi Abi of your smart contract
provider Provider you obtained from createWeb3Provider


const projectId = "<YOUR PROJECT ID>";
const projectSecret = "<YOUR PROJECT SECRET>";
const authorization = "Basic " + btoa(projectId + ":" + projectSecret);
const file = files[0];
const result = await upload({file,from,authorization});

upload Params

Functions Params
file file you want to upload to IPFS
from wallet addresss who is uploading this file
authorization authorization is required now to upload a file in IPFS. Projectid & Secret, you can get from your IPFS Infura account

More detailed information for other functions will be updated soon..








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