Simple tool to easily manage NT users' expiration date
- Python between 3.8 and 3.10
- poetry installed (
Create a .xlsx file (by default we can use nt_users_name.xlsx) in the main folder, with a sheet named "nt_users", with the first column composed of the list of the different user ID to test.
Start the executable nt_users_tool.exe to run the tool.
A terminal will open, and then write the path and the name of your .xlsx file (Or press ENTER if you use nt_users_name.xlsx).
If the tool run properly, you will probably receive the following logs :
Finally, a nt_users_sorted_[date].xlsx file is generated, with the users sorted by expiration date.
$ poetry install
$ git add .\.pre-commit-config.yaml
$ pre-commit install
$ poetry shell
$ .\nt_users_tool.exe
$ .\nt_users_tool.exe --filename=.\nt_users_name.xlsx
Put your .xlsx file in the main folder (the folder with README.txt, config, src, tests, ect...) and run
$ python .\src\nt_users_tool\
$ python .\src\nt_users_tool\ --filename=.\nt_users_name.xlsx
$ pytest -v -s
$ python .\