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An extension plugin of PlaceholderAPI that can let you custom advancer placeholders.


Use placeholder %e_expression% to get a advance placeholder. ('e' means 'expression' i guess..)

Data Type

Type Pattern Description In code Example
Integer num An integer. int 255892
Decimal num+(d|d|f|F) A float number. double 5663d
String "Some Text" A text string. String "addme"
Boolean true/false A boolean value. boolean false
Object / A object. Object /


Arithmetic Operators

Note: In code, # (modulus) uses % to operate decimals but uses Math.floorMod to operate intergers.

Name Chars Priority Example
Brackets () Supreme %e_1+(1-1)% got 1
Addition + 11 %e_1+2% got 3
Subtraction - 11 %e_1-2% got -1
Multiplication * 12 %e_1*2% got 2
Division / 12 %e_1/2% got 0.5
Modulus # (not %) 12 %e_1#2% got 1

Bitwise Operators

Note: Integer only, or a exception will be threw out.

Name Chars Priority Example
Left shift << 10 %e_1<<2% got 4
Right shift >> 10 %e_-1>>2% got -1
Zero fill right shift >>> 10 %e_-1>>>2% got 1073741823
Bitwise and & 7 %e_1&2% got 0
Bitwise XOR ^ 6 %e_1^2% got 3
Bitwise or | 5 %e_1|2% got 3

Logical Operators

Name Chars Priority Example
Logical Not ! 20 %e_!true% got false
Logical and && 4 %e_true&&false% got false
Logical or || 3 %e_true||false% got true

Assignment Operators

Note: Except '=='(equals) and '!=' (not equals) can compare string, other operators can only compare numbers.

Name Chars Priority Example
Greater Than > 9 %e_1>1% got false
Less Than < 9 %e_1<2% got true
Greater Or Equals >= 9 %e_1>=2% got false
Less Or Equals <= 9 %e_1<=2% got true
Equals == 8 %e_1==1% got true
Not Equals != 8 %e_1!=1% got false


Basic syntax: function(param1, param2, ...)

toInteger (and other cast functions)

Params: Object value
Return the value casted to Integer type.
Example: %e_toInteger("192")>1%
Meaning: It will return true. String cannot compare to an Integer value, but with toInteger you can. Similar: toDecimal, toBoolean, toString, toObject


Params: Boolean bool, Object value1, Object value2
If the bool is true, return value1.
If the bool is false, return value2.
Example: %e_if(toDecimal(value("player_health"))>0,value("player_health"),"Dead")%
Meaning: If you installed the PlaceholderAPI extension player, it should return players' health when they are alive or return 'Dead' when they are dead.


Params: Integer number, Object selections...
Return the selection of the number.
Example: %e_switch(1,"Hi, bob!","How are you?")%
Meaning: It returns 'How are you?'. (index count from 1)


Params: String text
Get the value for the placeholder api string.
Example: %e_value('player_health')%
Meaning: It will return the player's health.


Expression extension for PlaceholderAPI.







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