This is an e-commerce PHP PDO based system that sells products online, the system selling Electronics accessories. It provides the user with a catalog of different product available for purchase in the store. In order to facilitate online purchase a shopping cart and checkout are provided to the user to make purchase online using different payement method. The implementation technologies are PHP PDO, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, HTML5, relational databases (such as MySQLi).
The system is still experiencing some issues due to php session. This system is working very well on localhost but now on 000webhost gives some errors caused by session. I hope i will find solution very soon
You can also categorize products by its category, Manufacture, Brand,Price and color
Review products photos, Description, features, customers reviews and add the products to card or whishlist
click on the cart to see total number of products added. (Cart shows total number of products added NOT total number of items added)
1.on xampp folder, past Electronics floder on htdocs folder
- on the the browser enter:http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
2.create database electronics
3.import file electronics.sql
The system is running and hosted on 000webhost.
- 1.on the the browser enter:
- customer creditials
- Email:[email protected]
- Password:Test@123
- 1.on the the browser enter:
- admin creditials
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: admin123
- create a webhost account here:
- verify you account
- click create first website or build website
- go to Website Manager then click File Manager
- zip your project and upload it as a zip file
- click on Upload your files button
- make sure that your zip file is in public_html folder
After the file has been uploaded we will need to extract the zip file
- Right click on the project file
- select extract and name the destination folder as . so that they can be on public_html folder
- the file will be extracting to the public_html
if the folder or not on public_html won't work, Make sure that your file and folder are moved to public_html.
- Download unzipper here:
- Extract the folder on your local machine
- Upload unzipper files in public_html folder
- after uploading all the files…you just need to visit
- Now Select the zip and click “Unzip Archive”
- you can visit your public_html folder, your files are now extracted.
- you can delete unzipper files and your unzip folder
- go to Website Manager, then click Database Manager
- Then enter your Database Name, Database Username, and Password
- Manage database using phpmyadmin
- go to Import. In here, upload your SQL dump
- Then, go to your public_html folder->core->database
- open the file and edit database name,password and username(host:localhost)
- save and close the editor then refresh the site it must be working correctly.