This repository contains a simple BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator implemented in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The BMI Calculator allows users to input their height in centimeters and weight in kilograms to calculate their BMI. The application provides a quick and easy way to determine if a person is underweight, in the normal range, or overweight based on their BMI value.
- Input fields for height (in CM) and weight (in KG)
- Calculate button to compute the BMI
- Display of the calculated BMI
- BMI weight guide:
- Under Weight: Less than 18.6
- Normal Range: 18.6 and 24.9
- Overweight: Greater than 24.9
To use the BMI Calculator, simply clone the repository and open the index.html
file in your web browser.
git clone
cd fef-Final_project
open index.html