Badgerer app
- counter example for selectedRequest (in list or anywhere)
- Monitor using redux + selection service + passing it all the levels up and down + whatever...
- it can simply be done using a service (ideally provided in some level that will clear itself up) and using smart components reading it
- (related to selected request) property viewer built in to dumb request list component... makes no sense
- smart component for property viewer for selected request using the service
- we don't need to pass anything around
- a demo with onpush on root and setInterval and other stuff?
- also an example of what we have in wolf
- OK in routes, there's a tabRoot container (default strategy), inside there's tabroot component with and is OnPush!
- OK I think this is the reason why no normal change detection works for us
- OK + example with content projection
- also make demos for content projections of components breaking the CD somehow?
- a discussion about complexity
- for instance tabs; we all overlooked a key bug in tabs migration (local storage) that views, when migrated to new version, would be overwritten from local storage
- now the root question is, WHY tab views are read from local storage at all?
- these are pure simple navigation!
- component tests demo
- also a good reason to have tests right close to the services/components is that moving them around is easier
- for example in monitor, when we make a test for something, we will forget that moving the component/service etc. requires moving the test...
- let's use ?
- a demo using angular CLI, like @angular/material schematics for table or nav?
- like "ng g c badge/components/badge-editor --display-block --lint-fix --module badge --dry-run"
- or ng g module change-detection --dry-run --lint-fix --routing --route change-detection --module app¨
- or with npx "npx @angular/cli g service --dry-run shared/services/graphql-base"
- a demo with "providedIn": BadgeModule... for three shaking and remove "index" files
- mention style guide and issues we have
- TODO: investigate articles: why you sohuld never call a function in Angular template
- TODO: mention angular-user-idle and other packages
- we need to be very careful about packages; most of all about those used in root
- for example this package triggers change detection all the time
- rednez/angular-user-idle#81
- TODO: not using pre-compiled config, inspiration:
- a demo of using entity framework context scaffolding
- dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=BadgererDB;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --data-annotations --context-dir Infrastructure --output-dir Models --context BadgererContext --project api --force
- OpenAPI/swagger
- mssql extension for Visual Studio Code?
- tasks.json in vs code for node commands and dotnet commands?
- OK simple badge list (from db to angular)
- OK simple navigation to badge list
- OK simple CRUD for badges
- OK make it simple reactive forms
- OK delete
- OK detail
- OK edit
- mat-table sorting and paging
- make a simple list of teams (aka environments)
- selecting a route /{team}/badge
Angular architecture series
Architecture in Angular projects
.NET core CRUD
.NET core SignalR
NET core versioning
Swagger editor
Swashbuckle/swagger .NET Core
Lemon Mart (rel. Angular book)
Material theme generator
Angular Change detection and list of useful articles
Angular Change detection with good demos, terrible solution though I think
Angular module types
Angular and RxJs services, Redux discussion