A person makes a doctor appointment, receives all the instructions and no-show. Who to blame? If this help you studying or working, please don´t forget to upvote :). The dataset contains about 110k medical appointments with its 14 associated variables (characteristics). The most important one if the patient show-up or no-show to the appointment. Reference to Joni Hoppen and Aquarela Advanced Analytics Aquarela.
- Hipertension: Also known as high blood pressure (HBP), is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
- Alcoholism: Broadly, any drinking of alcohol that results in significant mental or physical health problems.
- Handcap: Disability, an impairment that substantially affects a person's life activities, and may be present at birth or arise later in life.
- Diabetes: A disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high.
- Scholarship: This variable means this concept: Bolsa Família
- PatientId: Identification of a patient
- AppointmentID: Identification of each appointment
- Gender: Male or Female.
- ScheduledDay: The day someone called or registered the appointment, this is before appointment of course.
- DataAgendamento: The day of the actuall appointment, when they have to visit the doctor.
- Age: How old is the patient.
- Neighbourhood: Where the appointment takes place.
- Scholarship: True of False.
- Hipertension: True or False.
- Diabetes: True or False.
- Alcoholism: True or False.
- Handcap: True or False.
- SMS_received: 1 or more messages sent to the patient.
- No-show: True or False.
- What is the percentage of patients who showed up and who didn't?
- Who is the most committed to the schedule males or females?
- Does receiving SMS or not affect showing up the patients?
- Does the duration between the apointment day and the schedule day affect showing up the patients?
- Dows alcoholism affect the ability to show up?
- Where is the place that most patients showed up?
- What is the most disease by which the patients are diagnosed?
- Does a certain age more committed to the appointment than the others?
In order to address those questions, there are some things to do such as:
- Cleaning the dataset from any incorrect datatypes or null values.
- Calculating some statistics about the variables and look for any relationships in the data.
- Drawing conclusions with some charts and communicating the findings.