4.0.0 (2023-03-16)
pix-ctl-full: rename pkg and modules
hor-plutus: rename pkg and modules
hor: rename pkg and modules
pix: rename modules
hix-plutus: rename pkg and modules
hix: rename pkg and modules
haskell-nix renamed to hix, plutus renamed to hix-plutus, purs-nix renamed to pix, ctl renamed to pix-ctl, ctl-full renamed to pix-ctl-full
add hor template (bfa82be )
ctl-full: add scripts (0a873a6 )
hix-plutus: rename pkg and modules (a3445f4 )
hix: rename pkg and modules (96bc4f4 )
hor-plutus: add flake (5eac2b5 )
hor-plutus: add script output (bdef644 )
hor-plutus: add script output as package (589ccb0 )
hor-plutus: copy from hor (96f27ba )
hor-plutus: import from hix-plutus (8144604 )
hor-plutus: rename pkg and modules (e0aea63 )
hor: add minimal template (ae4ea3d )
hor: rename pkg and modules (ef89590 )
pix-ctl-full: change contract to hor-plutus (5a4502e )
pix-ctl-full: rename pkg and modules (abcca02 )
pix: rename modules (eb47252 )
rename all templates to a new naming std (fd01ab9 )
Bug Fixes
add missing IFD on hor (3ab3ca3 )
ctl-full: incorrect contract url (723f6f6 )
hor-plutus: fix checks not working (1b4138f )
hor-plutus: script output (590d561 )
hor-plutus: unsupported cabal-version (9b7123f )
hor: checks not working (d61d63b )
hor: unsupported cabal-version (6b5a559 )
pix-ctl-full: fix example (45728e1 )
Performance Improvements
You can’t perform that action at this time.