This is a simple program, written in Python3, that will generate a random ball player for the RPG Deadball by W.M.Akers { }. It has the option to save the player to a csv file, Comma Separated Values, or you can copy it directly to a roster. In addition to a single player, the program can generate a vast number of players to create a talent pool using Bulk Generate, and has the option to create a Random Team.
This program requires python 3 to be installed.
To install the required modules, open a terminal/command prompt and go to the Deadball directory then use:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
*** PySimpleGUI now requires a license to use. While it is free, I Do Not like to force others to use something that requires signing up for it. As such, I have moved to using FreeSimpleGUI found here:
Once the requirements are installed, the program is run by:
Here is the main window for the program. In the top left is a link that will take you to the DriveThruRPG page to purchase Deadball in its current and second edition. Underneath this button is where a single player's stats will be displayed after generation. Below that is a text box that has very coarse and simple instructions on using the program.
On the right hand side are a few check boxes for the type of ball league to generate for. The program defaults to the Modern Era and by clicking on the check box it will generate the Ancient Era ball players. Just below that is an option to generate a Farm Hand player as well.
When selecting the Age of the generated player, be aware that only one of the options can be selected. There is an error message that will display if more than one, or no options are selected. This also applies to the Bulk Generate option.
Bulk Generate does exactly that. It will generate the number of players entered into the input field, and will append that list to the PlayerPool.csv file. This allows for the ability to hold a "draft" party where all participants can pick from the pool in turns.
Bulk Generate : Clicking this will generate the number of random players entered into the input field
Randomize : This generates a random player and displays their information in the program window
Save Player : This will append the currently displayed player to the PlayerPool.csv file
Random Team : This will generate a random team and once finished will prompt for a filename to save the team to : This document in its source format
README.pdf : The compiled PDF of this document
firstNames.txt : This is the first name file list that can be modified to include any first name that you might want to use
surnames.txt : This is the last name file list that can be modified to include any last name that you might want to use
PlayerPool.csv : This is the player pool list in which players can be "drafted" from for your team
PlayerPool.xlsx : This is a Microsoft Excel file that pulls in the data from the PlayerPool.csv so that the csv file can still be updated by the program. It is merely here as a simple addition to help speed up the flow a bit and is not necesary if you don't want to use it. It also allows for a quick view of how the data can be viewed in a spreadsheet application
Published under the Based On Akers Games license :