Hi here ✨ I am Luca
- 🚀 Let's collaborate: I am interested in Data Science and application of ML and AI in social sciences and AI for Good.
- 👩🏻💻 Work: Currently, I am working in the MIPT — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - in the Marketing domain.
🧮Tech Stack
- 🐍: pandas, numpy, VIZ: matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, folium, ML: sklearn, tensorflow; WebApp: Flask
- R
- Google Analytics
- Zignal Labs
- Git, Github
- Linux
- Spark
🎶 Contacts
- Telegram: @lucaostra
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://lucaostra.github.io/o
- Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/olgashevtsova
⬇️ And check out my DS projetcs below in the repo ⬇️