Package tramicp
[1] implements invariant causal prediction (ICP) [2] for
transformation models [3], including binary logistic regression, Weibull
regression, the Cox model, linear regression and many others. Methods for other
generalized linear models are also provided. The aim of ICP is to discover the
direct causes of a response given data from heterogeneous experimental settings
and a potentially large pool of candidate predictors. Methodological details are
described in the paper.
The development version of tramicp
package can be installed via:
# install.packages("remotes")
A stable version is available on CRAN:
Consider the following data simulated from a structural causal model:
n <- 5e2
E <- sample(0:1, n, TRUE)
X1 <- -E + rnorm(n)
Y <- as.numeric(0.5 * X1 > rlogis(n))
X2 <- Y + 0.8 * E + rnorm(n)
df <- data.frame(Y = Y, X1 = X1, X2 = X2, E = E)
The response Y
is governed by a logistic regression model with parent
, X2
is a child and both X1
and X2
are influenced by a binary
environment indicator E
. tramicp
can discover the parent of Y
testing whether the score residuals for the models Y ~ X1
, Y ~ X2
and Y ~ X1 + X2
are uncorrelated with (a residualized version of) E
. Under
the correctly specified model, Y ~ X1
, this correlation will be zero.
To obtain an estimator for the parent set, ICP takes the intersection over all
sets for which the invariance hypothesis is failed to be rejected.
The code chunk below shows how to use TRAMICP on the data above.
icp <- glmICP(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = df, env = ~ E, family = "binomial",
test = "gcm.test", verbose = FALSE)
pvalues(icp, "set")
Empty X1 X2 X1+X2
1.818449e-02 5.096300e-01 4.541276e-09 2.219956e-03
Indeed, the only set which is not rejected is X1
Here, glmICP()
with family = "binomial"
is used. The formula
Y ~ X1 + X2
specifies the response (LHS) and all candidate predictors (RHS).
The environments are also specified as a formula (RHS only). Details on the
test and other options can be found in the manuscript and documentation of the
In full generality, TRAMICP is implemented in the dicp()
function, which takes
the argument modFUN
(model function). For instance, the glmICP
call from
above is equivalent to dicp(..., modFUN = glm, family = "binomial")
Instead of using dicp()
, tramicp
directly implements several model classes
with an alias, as shown in the table below.
Function alias | Corresponding modFUN |
BoxCoxICP() |
tram::BoxCox() |
ColrICP() |
tram::Colr() |
cotramICP() |
cotram::cotram() |
CoxphICP() |
tram::Coxph() |
coxphICP() |
survival::coxph() |
glmICP() |
stats::glm() |
LehmannICP() |
tram::Lehmann() |
LmICP() |
tram::Lm() |
lmICP() |
stats::lm() |
PolrICP() |
tram::Polr() |
polrICP() |
MASS::polr() |
SurvregICP() |
tram::Survreg() |
survregICP() |
survival::survreg() |
Other implementations, such as additive TRAMs in tramME
, can still be used via
the dicp()
function, for instance, after loading tramME
, dicp(..., modFUN = "BoxCoxME")
can be used.
Nonparametric ICP via the GCM test [4] and random forests for the two
regressions is implemented in the alias rangerICP()
. Survival forests
are supported for right-censored observations and implemented in
This repository contains the code for reproducing the results in [1] in
the inst
directory. Please follow the instructions in
the README to run the code.
[1] Kook, L., Saengkyongam, S., Lundborg, A. R., Hothorn, T., & Peters, J. (2024). Model-based causal feature selection for general response types. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-12. doi:10.1080/01621459.2024.2395588
[2] Peters, J., Bühlmann, P., & Meinshausen, N. (2016). Causal inference by using invariant prediction: identification and confidence intervals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 78(5), 947-1012. doi:10.1111/rssb.12167
[3] Hothorn, T., Möst, L., & Bühlmann, P. (2018). Most likely transformations. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 45(1), 110-134. doi:10.1111/sjos.12291
[4] Shah, R. D., & Peters, J. (2020). The hardness of conditional independence testing and the generalised covariance measure. doi:10.1214/19-aos1857