Simultaneously edit in more than one location in the editor
If you've ever ran into a case where you wanted to quickly change variable names or multiple loop conditions - you can use Multi-Edit to set virtual carets that all behave the same.
You can check an installable extension on the gallery for Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015.
ALT Click on different locations in your code to set multiple carets, and then type as you normally would.
- [NEW] Visual Studio 2015 support
- Better integration with Ctrl+Alt+Drag (column selection mode)
- Support for all languages
- Typing
- Pressing Enter / Backspacing / Deleting
- TABing, Shift-Tabbing
- Moving the caret around using the keyboard
- Pasting
- Intersected carets are removed
- Undo-ing
- Multiple selections
- Virtual Spaces
Thanks to Xavier Poinas for adding support to all languages other than C# (and teaching me something new)