This repository contains original entries and transformed entries form Bridge_AZ.pdf dictionary. Entries from folder original_entries were transformed where each word has < TOKEN > tags around it. Transformed entries are located in tokenized_entries folder.
Correct entries with < dictScrap > and < re > tags are located in dictScrap folder. These entries also contain page and text attributes. These entries were manually checked for errors.
Entries in dictScrap folder might not be the same as entries in tokenized_entries folder. Assume that entries in dictScrap are correct and disregard the same entries in tokenized_entries folder. Entries in correct_entries folder are from and older version. They have been manually checked for errors but do not have < dictScrap/re > tags and page/text attributes.
Dictionary pages are located in dictinary_pages folder. Pages range from page 16 to page 884. Only token lines were kept and page/text attributes were added.
Transformation log is in info.log file. This log contains info about the transformation for each entry. Each entry in transformation log, has described with which word each word was replaced.
Original -> shows the original words from the entry
Changed -> shows the words that were taken from tokens.xml file and replaced the original ones.
At the end of each entry, there is also a grade showing the similarity factor of the original and transformed entries given in percentage.
File grade.log contains grades for each entry. WARNING in grade.log means, that the entry could not be parsed using lxml library. This usually occurs when a tag (e.g. < form >) is not closed.
Each entry is split by empty spaces. The pronunciation is removed from the entry. Split words (e.g. "abet- ting") are joined together and the "-" character is removed. Then each word from the original entry is compared with the transformed entry word using the difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio() function. This function gives [0,1] grade based on the similarity of those two words (the higer, the better). Ratios for all words are then summed up and divided by the number of words in the entry.
- Entries that failed the transformation, usualy misplace the words. This happens because the original entry contains a word that is missing from tokens.xml file. Consequently this entry has a lower grade.
- If grading failed, a grade of -1% is given to the entry.
- Transformed entries with grade > 90% can be assumed they are correct.
Entries in tokenized_entries with grade lower than 90% should be rechecked. Mark which entries are faulty so I can correct them manually.
- Sometimes an original word might be split with "-" character, as mentioned above. This is not incorrect.
- Some characters (Š, Č, Ž) in original word are different after transformation. This doesn't meant that entry is incorrect.
- As mentioned above, some words might be missing in tokens.xml file, which misplaces all the following words. This is an incorrect entry and should be marked down.
- Sometimes an additional word is placed beside pronunciation. This also misplaces all the following words and makes entry incorrect.