Me learning ROS
- common.launch - This will launch the Lidar, driver node and joystick nodes required to move the robot with a controller. This is included in all other launch files.
- hector.launch - Launches Hector_Mapping so that you can manually create a map of an area with the robot.
- nav.launch - Using a precreated loaded in map, the robot tries to fill in any gaps in the map using Explore_Lite for navigation, and AMCL for localisation
- hector_nav.launch - Uses Hector_Mapping to localise instead of AMCL, and a static transform between odom and base_link. Will try create an entire map from scratch.
- amcl_hector_nav.launch - Uses Hector_Mapping to generate odometry, and AMCL for localisation. Will try create an entire map from scratch, when explore_lite is uncommented.
- roscd bringup/launch = Brings you to the location with all the launch files
- roslaunch Bringup launch file = Launches your chosen launch file
- rqt_logger_level = Displays all current RosLogs and lets you control what levels will be printed
- rqt_graph = Displays a graph showing relations between nodes