This feature is standalone and packet based, you needn't install any extra plugin, then, it has good performance.
/note <pitch>
to set item (pitch and be a letter or note number)
alias: /n
permission: tuna.note
You can place the block to the ground, plugin will set pitch of the block automatically.
/blocknote <pitch>
to set block (pitch and be a letter or note number)
alias: /bn
permission: tuna.blocknote
/instrument <instrument>
to set item
alias: /inst
permission: tuna.inst
/blockinstrument <instrument>
to set block
alias: /binst
permission: tuna.blockinst
to get a note stick
alias: /ts
permission: tuna.stick.get
permission: tuna.stick.use
Left click noteblock -> set instrument
Right click noteblock -> set pitch
to open personal settings
alias: /tg
permission: tuna.gui