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This repository hosts the official SDK for interacting with the Luraph API from Node.js environments.

Luraph API access is only available for accounts under certain plans. For more information, please check out the pricing plans on the Luraph website.


Install the luraph package from npm using your package manager of choice.


npm install luraph
# or
yarn add luraph
# or
pnpm install luraph


The official Luraph API documentation contains the most up-to-date and complete information and instructions for integrating with the Luraph API.

const { Luraph } = require("luraph");

const apiKey = process.env.LPH_API_KEY; //replace with your api key
const luraph = new Luraph(apiKey);

const obfuscate = async (script, fileName) => {
    console.log(`[*] file name: ${fileName}`);

    const nodes = await luraph.getNodes();
    console.log(`[*] recommended node: ${nodes.recommendedId}`);

    const node = nodes.nodes[nodes.recommendedId];
    console.log(`[*] cpu usage: ${node.cpuUsage}`);

    const { jobId } = await luraph.createNewJob(nodes.recommendedId, script, fileName, {});
    console.log(`[*] job id: ${jobId}`);

    const { success, error } = await luraph.getJobStatus(jobId);
    console.log(`[*] job status: ${success ? "success" : "error"}`);

        const {fileName: resultName, data} = await luraph.downloadResult(jobId);
        console.log(`[*] result name: ${resultName}`);
        return data;
        throw error; //error is a string

obfuscate("print'Hello World!'", `luraph-node-${}.lua`)
    .then(result => console.log(`[*] obfuscation successful: ${result.split("\n")[0]}`))
    .catch(error => console.error(`[*] obfuscation failed: ${error}`));
const { Luraph } = require("luraph");

const apiKey = process.env.LPH_API_KEY; //replace with your api key
const luraph = new Luraph(apiKey);

const listOptions = async () => {
    const nodes = await luraph.getNodes();
    console.log(`[*] recommended node: ${nodes.recommendedId}`);

    const node = nodes.nodes[nodes.recommendedId];
    console.log(`[*] cpu usage: ${node.cpuUsage}`);
    console.log("[*] options:");
    for(const [optionId, optionInfo] of Object.entries(node.options)){
        console.log("  *", optionId, "-", + ":");
        console.log("  |- desc:", optionInfo.description);
        console.log("  |- type:", optionInfo.type);
        console.log("  |- tier:", optionInfo.tier);
        console.log("  |- choices:", `[${optionInfo.choices.join(", ")}]`);
        console.log("  |- required:", optionInfo.required);
        if(optionInfo.dependencies) console.log("  |- dependencies: ", optionInfo.dependencies);

const { Luraph } = require("luraph");

const apiKey = process.env.LPH_API_KEY; //replace with your api key
const luraph = new Luraph(apiKey);

const obfuscate = async (script, fileName) => {
    console.log(`[*] file name: ${fileName}`);

    const nodes = await luraph.getNodes();
    console.log(`[*] recommended node: ${nodes.recommendedId}`);

    const node = nodes.nodes[nodes.recommendedId];
    console.log(`[*] cpu usage: ${node.cpuUsage}`);

    const { jobId } = await luraph.createNewJob(nodes.recommendedId, script, fileName, {
        "TARGET_VERSION": "Lua 5.2"
    console.log(`[*] job id: ${jobId}`);

    const { success, error } = await luraph.getJobStatus(jobId);
    console.log(`[*] job status: ${success ? "success" : "error"}`);

        const {fileName: resultName, data} = await luraph.downloadResult(jobId);
        console.log(`[*] result name: ${resultName}`);
        return data;
        throw error; //error is a string

obfuscate("print'Hello World!'", `luraph-node-${}.lua`)
    .then(result => console.log(`[*] obfuscation successful: ${result.split("\n")[0]}`))
    .catch(error => console.error(`[*] obfuscation failed: ${error}`));


The official Luraph API documentation contains the most up-to-date and complete information and instructions for integrating with the Luraph API.

class Luraph

constructor(apiKey: string): Luraph

Description: Creates an instance of the SDK.


  • apiKey - API key to authenticate your requests. You can fetch your API key from your account page.

Returns: An instance of the Luraph class allowing API requests to be made.

getNodes(): Promise<{ nodes: {[nodeId: string]: LuraphNode}; recommendedId: string | null }>

Description: Obtains a list of available obfuscation nodes.

Parameters: None!

Returns: <object>

  • recommendedId - The most suitable node to perform an obfuscation based on current service load and other possible factors.
  • nodes - A list of all available nodes to submit obfuscation jobs to. For more information on the structure of this field, please refer to the Luraph API documentation.

createNewJob(node: string, script: string, fileName: string, options: LuraphOptionList, useTokens = false, enforceSettings = false): Promise<{ jobId: string }>

Description: Queues a new obfuscation task.


  • node: The node to assign the obfuscation job to.
  • script: The script to be obfuscated.
  • fileName: A file name to associate with this script. The maximum file name is 255 characters.
  • options: An object containing keys that represent the option identifiers, and values that represent the desired settings. Unless enforceSettings is set to false, all options supported by the node must have a value specified, else the endpoint will error.
  • useTokens - A boolean on whether you'd like to use tokens regardless of your active subscription.
  • enforceSettings - A boolean on whether you'd like the options field to require every option requested by the server to be present with a valid value. If this is false, your integration will not break when invalid options are provided; however, updates that change Luraph's options will result in your integration using default settings when invalid values are specified. By default, this is set to true.

Returns: <object>

  • jobId - A unique identifier for the queued obfuscation job.

getJobStatus(jobId: string): Promise<({ success: true, error: null } | { success: false, error: string })>

Description: This endpoint does not return until the referenced obfuscation job is complete. The maximum timeout is 60 seconds, and this endpoint can be called a maximum of 3 times per job.


  • jobId - The job ID of the obfuscation to wait for.

Returns: <object>

  • success - A boolean indicating whether the job was successful.
  • error - An error message if the job failed, or null if the job succeeded.

downloadResult(jobId: string): Promise<{ data: string; fileName: string }>

Description: Downloads the resulting file associated with an obfuscation job.


  • jobId - The job ID of the obfuscation to download.

Returns: <object>

  • fileName - A sanitized version of the initial filename, including a suffix to differentiate it from the original filename.
  • data - The obfuscated script.

interface LuraphOptionInfo


  • name - The human readable name associated with an option.
  • description - The markdown formatted description for an option.
  • type - One of CHECKBOX, DROPDOWN, TEXT.
  • required - If creating a user interface to integrate with Luraph, settings that contain a value of true for this field should be explicitly set by the user, since they have a high chance of causing incorrect output when not set properly.
  • choices - An array of acceptable option values when type == DROPDOWN.
  • dependencies - An array of required prerequisite values before this setting can be changed from the default value.

interface LuraphNode


  • cpuUsage - The current CPU usage of the node.
  • options - An object with option identifiers as keys and LuraphOptionInfo as values.

interface LuraphOptionList

An array of string keys, and values that may either be a string or boolean.

interface LuraphError


  • param - The parameter associated with the cause of the error.
  • message - A human readable error message.

class LuraphException extends Error


  • errors - An array of LuraphError.
  • message - A human readable collection of error messages returned by a request.

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