Releases: MA24th/tgbotapi
Releases · MA24th/tgbotapi
Bot API v6.0.0
- Added the class WebAppInfo and the fields web_app to the classes KeyboardButton and InlineKeyboardButton.
- Added the class SentWebAppMessage and the method answerWebAppQuery for sending an answer to a Web App query, which originated from an inline button of the 'web_app' type.
- Added the class WebAppData and the field web_app_data to the class Message.
- Added the class MenuButton and the methods setChatMenuButton and getChatMenuButton for managing the behavior of the bot's menu button in private chats.
- Added the class ChatAdministratorRights and the methods setMyDefaultAdministratorRights and getMyDefaultAdministratorRights for managing the bot's default administrator rights.
- Added the field last_synchronization_error_date to the class WebhookInfo.
- Renamed the field can_manage_voice_chats to can_manage_video_chats in the class ChatMemberAdministrator. The old field will remain temporarily available.
- Renamed the parameter can_manage_voice_chats to can_manage_video_chats in the method promoteChatMember. The old parameter will remain temporarily available.
- Renamed the fields voice_chat_scheduled, voice_chat_started, voice_chat_ended, and voice_chat_participants_invited to video_chat_scheduled, video_chat_started, video_chat_ended, and video_chat_participants_invited in the class Message.
Bot API v5.7
- Added support for Video Stickers.
- Added the field is_video to the classes Sticker and StickerSet.
- Added the parameter webm_sticker to the methods createNewStickerSet and addStickerToSet.
Bot API v5.6
- Improved support for Protected Content.
- Added the parameter protect_content to the methods sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendSticker, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendPoll, sendDice, sendInvoice, sendGame, sendMediaGroup, copyMessage, forwardMessage to allow sending messages with protected content to any chat.
- Added support for spoiler entities, which will work in Telegram versions released after December 30, 2021. Older clients will display unsupported message.
- Added new MessageEntity type “spoiler”.
- Added the ability to specify spoiler entities using HTML and MarkdownV2 formatting options.
Bot API v5.5
- Bots are now allowed to contact users who sent a join request to a chat where the bot is an administrator with the can_invite_users administrator right – even if the user never interacted with the bot before.
- Added support for mentioning users by their ID in inline keyboards. This will only work in Telegram versions released after December 7, 2021. Older clients will display unsupported message.
- Added the methods banChatSenderChat and unbanChatSenderChat for banning and unbanning channel chats in supergroups and channels.
- Added the field has_private_forwards to the class Chat for private chats, which can be used to check the possibility of mentioning the user by their ID.
- Added the field has_protected_content to the classes Chat and Message.
- Added the field is_automatic_forward to the class Message.
Bot API v5.4
- Added the the parameter creates_join_request to the methods createChatInviteLink and editChatInviteLink for managing chat invite links that create join requests (read more about this on our blog).
- Added the fields creates_join_request and pending_join_request_count to the class ChatInviteLink.
- Added the field name to the class ChatInviteLink and the parameters name to the methods createChatInviteLink and editChatInviteLink for managing invite link names.
- Added updates about new requests to join the chat, represented by the class ChatJoinRequest and the field chat_join_request in the Update class. The bot must be an administrator in the chat with the can_invite_users administrator right to receive these updates.
- Added the methods approveChatJoinRequest and declineChatJoinRequest for managing requests to join the chat.
- Added support for the choose_sticker action in the method sendChatAction.
Bot API v5.3
Personalized Commands
- Bots can now show lists of commands tailored to specific situations - including localized commands for users with different languages, as well as different commands based on chat type or for specific chats, and special lists of commands for chat admins.
- Added the class BotCommandScope, describing the scope to which bot commands apply.
- Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method setMyCommands to allow bots specify different commands for different chats and users.
- Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method getMyCommands.
- Added the method deleteMyCommands to allow deletion of the bot's commands for the given scope and user language.
- Improved visibility of bot commands in Telegram apps with the new 'Menu' button in chats with bots, read more on the blog.
Custom Placeholders
- Added the ability to specify a custom input field placeholder in the classes ReplyKeyboardMarkup and ForceReply.
And More
- Improved documentation of the class ChatMember by splitting it into 6 subclasses.
- Renamed the method kickChatMember to banChatMember.
- Renamed the method getChatMembersCount to getChatMemberCount.
- Values of the field file_unique_id in objects of the type PhotoSize and of the fields small_file_unique_id and big_file_unique_id in objects of the type ChatPhoto were changed.
Bot API v5.2
- Support for Payments 2.0, see this manual for more details about the Bot Payments API.
- Added the type InputInvoiceMessageContent to support sending invoices as inline query results.
- Allowed sending invoices to group, supergroup and channel chats.
- Added the fields max_tip_amount and suggested_tip_amounts to the method sendInvoice to allow adding optional tips to the
payment. - The parameter start_parameter of the method sendInvoice became optional. If the parameter isn't specified, the invoice
can be paid directly from forwarded messages. - Added the field chat_type to the class InlineQuery, containing the type of the chat, from which the inline request was
sent. - Added the type VoiceChatScheduled and the field voice_chat_scheduled to the class Message.
- Fixed an error in sendChatAction documentation to correctly mention “record_voice” and “upload_voice” instead of
“record_audio” and “upload_audio” for related to voice note actions. Old action names will still work for backward
Bot API v5.1
Added two new update types
- Added updates about member status changes in chats, represented by the class ChatMemberUpdated and the fields
my_chat_member and chat_member in the Update class. The bot must be an administrator in the chat to receive chat_member
updates about other chat members. By default, only my_chat_member updates about the bot itself are received.
Improved Invite Links
- Added the class ChatInviteLink, representing an invite link to a chat.
- Added the method createChatInviteLink, which can be used to create new invite links in addition to the primary invite
link. - Added the method editChatInviteLink, which can be used to edit non-primary invite links created by the bot.
- Added the method revokeChatInviteLink, which can be used to revoke invite links created by the bot.
Voice Chat Info
- Added the type VoiceChatStarted and the field voice_chat_started to the class Message.
- Added the type VoiceChatEnded and the field voice_chat_ended to the class Message.
- Added the type VoiceChatParticipantsInvited and the field voice_chat_participants_invited to the class Message.
- Added the new administrator privilege can_manage_voice_chats to the class ChatMember and parameter
can_manage_voice_chats to the method promoteChatMember. For now, bots can use this privilege only for passing to other
And More
- Added the type MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged and the field message_auto_delete_timer_changed to the class Message.
- Added the parameter revoke_messages to the method kickChatMember, allowing to delete all messages from a group for the
user who is being removed. - Added the new administrator privilege can_manage_chat to the class ChatMember and parameter can_manage_chat to the
method promoteChatMember. This administrator right is implied by any other administrator privilege. - Supported the new bowling animation for the random dice. Choose between different animations (dice, darts, basketball,
football, bowling, slot machine) by specifying the emoji parameter in the method sendDice.
Bot API v5.0
Run Your Own Bot API Server
- Bot API source code is now available at telegram-bot-api. You can now run your own Bot API server locally, boosting your bots' performance.
- Added the method logOut, which can be used to log out from the cloud Bot API server before launching your bot locally. You must log out the bot before running it locally, otherwise there is no guarantee that the bot will receive all updates.
- Added the method close, which can be used to close the bot instance before moving it from one local server to another.
Transfer Bot Ownership
- You can now use BotFather to transfer your existing bots to another Telegram account.
- Added the parameter ip_address to the method setWebhook, allowing to bypass DNS resolving and use the specified fixed IP address to send webhook requests.
- Added the field ip_address to the class WebhookInfo, containing the current IP address used for webhook connections creation.
- Added the ability to drop all pending updates when changing webhook URL using the parameter drop_pending_updates in the methods setWebhook and deleteWebhook.
Working with Groups
- The getChat request now returns the user's bio for private chats if available.
- The getChat request now returns the identifier of the linked chat for supergroups and channels, i.e. the discussion group identifier for a channel and vice versa.
- The getChat request now returns the location to which the supergroup is connected (see Local Groups). Added the class ChatLocation to represent the location.
- Added the parameter only_if_banned to the method unbanChatMember to allow safe unban.
Working with Files
- Added the field file_name to the classes Audio and Video, containing the name of the original file.
- Added the ability to disable server-side file content type detection using the parameter disable_content_type_detection in the method sendDocument and the class inputMediaDocument.
Multiple Pinned Messages
- Added the ability to pin messages in private chats.
- Added the parameter message_id to the method unpinChatMessage to allow unpinning of the specific pinned message.
- Added the method unpinAllChatMessages, which can be used to unpin all pinned messages in a chat.
File Albums
- Added support for sending and receiving audio and document albums in the method sendMediaGroup.
Live Locations
- Added the field live_period to the class Location, representing a maximum period for which the live location can be updated.
- Added support for live location heading: added the field heading to the classes Location, InlineQueryResultLocation, InputLocationMessageContent and the parameter heading to the methods sendLocation and editMessageLiveLocation.
- Added support for proximity alerts in live locations: added the field proximity_alert_radius to the classes Location, InlineQueryResultLocation, InputLocationMessageContent and the parameter proximity_alert_radius to the methods sendLocation and editMessageLiveLocation.
- Added the type ProximityAlertTriggered and the field proximity_alert_triggered to the class Message.
- Added possibility to specify the horizontal accuracy of a location. Added the field horizontal_accuracy to the classes Location, InlineQueryResultLocation, InputLocationMessageContent and the parameter horizontal_accuracy to the methods sendLocation and editMessageLiveLocation.
Anonymous Admins
- Added the field sender_chat to the class Message, containing the sender of a message which is a chat (group or channel). For backward compatibility in non-channel chats, the field from in such messages will contain the user 777000 for messages automatically forwarded to the discussion group and the user 1087968824 (@GroupAnonymousBot) for messages from anonymous group administrators.
- Added the field is_anonymous to the class chatMember, which can be used to distinguish anonymous chat administrators.
- Added the parameter is_anonymous to the method promoteChatMember, which allows to promote anonymous chat administrators. The bot itself should have the is_anonymous right to do this. Despite the fact that bots can have the is_anonymous right, they will never appear as anonymous in the chat. Bots can use the right only for passing to other administrators.
- Added the custom title of an anonymous message sender to the class Message as author_signature.
And More
- Added the method copyMessage, which sends a copy of any message.
- Maximum poll question length increased to 300.
- Added the ability to manually specify text entities instead of specifying the parse_mode in the classes InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo, InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InlineQueryResultPhoto, InlineQueryResultGif, InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif, InlineQueryResultVideo, InlineQueryResultAudio, InlineQueryResultVoice, InlineQueryResultDocument, InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto, InlineQueryResultCachedGif, InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif, InlineQueryResultCachedVideo, InlineQueryResultCachedAudio, InlineQueryResultCachedVoice, InlineQueryResultCachedDocument, InputTextMessageContent and the methods sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendVoice, sendPoll, editMessageText, editMessageCaption.
- Added the fields google_place_id and google_place_type to the classes Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue, InputVenueMessageContent and the optional parameters google_place_id and google_place_type to the method sendVenue to support Google Places as a venue API provider.
- Added the field allow_sending_without_reply to the methods sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendSticker, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendPoll, sendDice, sendInvoice, sendGame, sendMediaGroup to allow sending messages not a as reply if the replied-to message has already been deleted.
And Last but not Least
- Supported the new football and slot machine animations for the random dice. Choose between different animations (dice, darts, basketball, football, slot machine) by specifying the emoji parameter in the method sendDice.
Bot API v4.9.0
New with this update:
- Added the new field via_bot to the Message object. You can now know which bot was used to send a message.
- Supported video thumbnails for inline GIF and MPEG4 animations.
- Supported the new basketball animation for the random dice. Choose between different animations (dice, darts, basketball) by specifying the emoji parameter in the method sendDice.