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Add SSP-RK3 time integration
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Add support for config_rk_order = 3, using the Strong Stability-
Preserving RK3 method. This follows a slightly different algorithm
from the classic RK2 and RK4 methods, and so requires significantl
increasing the complexity of the RK loop. See eq 2.48 (pg 56) in
Durran (2010): Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics for the description
of this method.
  • Loading branch information
trhille committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 9e168f4 commit b882525
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 14 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_thermal_solver
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_time_integration
integer, pointer :: config_rk_order
integer :: rkStep, iCell, iTracer, k
integer :: rkStage, iCell, iTracer, k
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: rkTend
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: layerThickness, &
temperature, &
Expand All @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: thickness, damage, passiveTracer2d
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: layerCenterSigma, layerThicknessFractions
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: layerThicknessProv, &
layerThicknessTmp, &
temperatureProv, &
enthalpyProv, &
passiveTracer3d, &
Expand All @@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: deltat
real (kind=RKIND) :: deltatFull
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(4) :: rkWeights, rkSubstepWeights
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(3) :: rkSSPweights

err = 0
err_tmp = 0
Expand All @@ -158,6 +160,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
allocate(temperatureProv(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(enthalpyProv(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(layerThicknessProv(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(layerThicknessTmp(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(damage3dProv(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(damage3d(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
allocate(passiveTracer3dProv(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
Expand All @@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
temperatureProv(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
enthalpyProv(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
layerThicknessProv(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
layerThicknessTmp(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
damage3dProv(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
damage3d(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
passiveTracer3dProv(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +241,13 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
rkTend(:,:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
deltatFull = deltat ! Save deltat in order to reset it at end of RK loop
! Set RK weights based on desired time integration method. Note
! that rkSubstepWeights are used to update at each sub-step, and
! are thus offset from the typical writing of the coefficients
! by one index. e.g., the coefficients for RK4 are usually written
! (0, 1/2, 1/2, 1), while we use (1/2, 1/2, 1). The last entry of 1.0
! is simply for ease of implementation.
rkSSPweights(:) = 1.0_RKIND
if ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'forward_euler') .or. &
((trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
(config_rk_order == 1)) ) then
Expand All @@ -249,9 +260,15 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
! add config option to use midpoint
rkWeights(:) = 0.5_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(:) = 1.0_RKIND
!elseif ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
! (config_rk_order == 3) ) then
! use Strong Stability Preserving RK3?
elseif ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
(config_rk_order == 3) ) then
! use Strong Stability Preserving RK3
rkWeights(:) = 1.0_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(:) = 1.0_RKIND

rkSSPweights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
rkSSPweights(2) = 3.0_RKIND / 4.0_RKIND
rkSSPweights(3) = 1.0_RKIND / 3.0_RKIND
elseif ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
(config_rk_order == 4) ) then
rkWeights(1) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
Expand All @@ -262,29 +279,30 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
rkSubstepWeights(1) = 0.5_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(2) = 0.5_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(3) = 1.0_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(4) = 1.0_RKIND
rkSubstepWeights(4) = 1.0_RKIND ! not used
err = 1
call mpas_log_write('config_time_integration = ' // trim(config_time_integration) &
// ' is not supported with config_rk_order = $i', &
intArgs=(/config_rk_order/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
! *** Start RK loop ***
do rkStep = 1, config_rk_order
do rkStage = 1, config_rk_order
call mpas_log_write('beginning rk step $i; rkSubstepWeight = $r', &
intArgs=(/rkStep/), realArgs=(/rkSubstepWeights(rkStep)/))
deltat = deltatFull * rkSubstepWeights(rkStep)
intArgs=(/rkStage/), realArgs=(/rkSubstepWeights(rkStage)/))
deltat = deltatFull * rkSubstepWeights(rkStage)

! === calculate damage ===========
if (config_calculate_damage) then
call mpas_timer_start("damage")
call li_calculate_damage(domain, rkTend(2,:,:), rkWeights(rkStep), err_tmp)
call li_calculate_damage(domain, rkTend(2,:,:), rkWeights(rkStage), err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("damage")

! === Compute new state for prognostic variables ===
call mpas_timer_start("advect thickness and tracers")
call advection_solver(domain, rkTend, rkWeights(rkStep), err_tmp)
call advection_solver(domain, rkTend, rkWeights(rkStage), err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("advect thickness and tracers")

Expand All @@ -298,10 +316,88 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
call mpas_timer_stop("finalize damage")

! If using Runge-Kutta time integration, update thickness, damage,
! If using SSP RK3, then update thickness and tracers incrementally.
! For first RK stage, thickness and tracer updates above are sufficient
if ( (config_rk_order == 3) .and. (rkStage > 1 ) ) then
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thickness', thickness)
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'layerThickness', layerThickness)
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'passiveTracer2d', passiveTracer2d)
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'damage', damage)

call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'temperature', temperature)
call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'enthalpy', enthalpy)
call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'waterFrac', waterFrac)

layerThicknessTmp(:,:) = layerThickness(:,:)
layerThickness(:,:) = rkSSPweights(rkStage) * layerThicknessProv(:,:) + &
(1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * layerThickness(:,:)
thickness = sum(layerThickness, 1)

if (trim(config_thermal_solver) == 'enthalpy') then
where (layerThickness(:,:) > 0.0_RKIND)
enthalpy(:,:) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * enthalpyProv(:,:) * layerThicknessProv(:,:) + &
(1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * enthalpy(:,:) * layerThicknessTmp(:,:) ) / layerThickness(:,:)
! elsewhere, what?
end where
! given the enthalpy, compute the temperature and water fraction
do iCell = 1, nCells

call li_enthalpy_to_temperature_kelvin(&
layerCenterSigma, &
thickness(iCell), &
enthalpy(:,iCell), &
temperature(:,iCell), &


elseif (trim(config_thermal_solver) == 'temperature') then
where (layerThickness(:,:) > 0.0_RKIND)
temperature(:,:) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * temperatureProv(:,:) * layerThicknessProv(:,:) + &
(1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * temperature(:,:) * layerThicknessTmp(:,:) ) / layerThickness(:,:)
! elsewhere, what?
end where

if (config_calculate_damage) then
do iCell = 1, nCells
do k = 1, nVertLevels
if (layerThickness(k,iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
damage3d(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * damage3dProv(k,iCell) * layerThicknessProv(k,iCell) + &
(1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * damage(iCell) * layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
damage3d(k,iCell) = 0.0_RKIND
damage(iCell) = sum(damage3d(:, iCell) * layerThicknessFractions)

do iCell = 1, nCells
do k = 1, nVertLevels
if (layerThickness(k,iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
passiveTracer3d(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * passiveTracer3dProv(k,iCell) * layerThicknessProv(k,iCell) + &
(1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * passiveTracer2d(iCell) * layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
passiveTracer3d(k,iCell) = 0.0_RKIND
passiveTracer2d(iCell) = sum(passiveTracer3d(:,iCell) * layerThicknessFractions)

! === Ensure damage is within bounds after full time integration ===
if ( (rkStage .eq. config_rk_order) .and. (config_finalize_damage_after_advection) ) then
call mpas_timer_start("finalize damage")
call li_finalize_damage_after_advection(domain, err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("finalize damage")
endif ! if config_rk_order == 3

! If using RK2 or RK4 time integration, update thickness, damage,
! temperature or enthalpy, passiveTracer2d before final velocity solve.
! If using forward Euler, these have already been updated above.
if ( (rkStep .eq. config_rk_order) .and. (config_rk_order > 1) ) then
! If using forward Euler or SSPRK3, these have already been updated above.
if ( (rkStage .eq. config_rk_order) .and. ( (config_rk_order == 2) .or. (config_rk_order == 4) ) ) then

! Need layerThickness first in order to update other tracers
if (trim(config_thickness_advection) == 'fct') then
Expand All @@ -313,7 +409,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
where (layerThickness(:,:) > 0.0_RKIND)
enthalpy(:,:) = ( enthalpyProv(:,:) * layerThicknessProv(:,:) + &
deltatFull * rkTend(1,:,:) ) / layerThickness(:,:)
! elsewhere, what?
! elsewhere, what?
end where
! given the enthalpy, compute the temperature and water fraction
do iCell = 1, nCells
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,6 +526,7 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
Expand Down

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