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executable file
158 lines (119 loc) · 6.63 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
158 lines (119 loc) · 6.63 KB

PHP MARCspec parser and validator.

For currently supported version of MARCspec - A common MARC record path language see .


Installation can be done by using composer

    "require": {
        "ck/php-marcspec": "1.*"

or download the ZIP file.

PHP-MARCspec requires PHP 5.4 or later.



namespace CK\MARCspec;

// parse and access MARCspec like an array
$fixed = new MARCspec('007[0]/1-8{/0=\a}');
echo $fixed['field']['tag'];                                                  // '007'
echo $fixed['field']['charStart'];                                            // 1
echo $fixed['field']['charEnd'];                                              // 8
echo $fixed['field']['charLength'];                                           // 8
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['leftSubTerm'];                           // '007[0]/0'
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['operator'];                              // '='
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm'];                          // '\a'
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable'];            // 'a'

echo $fixed;                                                                  // '007[0]/1-8{007[0]/0=\a}'

$variable = new MARCspec('245_10$a');
echo $variable['field']['tag'];                                               // '245'
echo $variable['field']['indicator1'];                                        // '1'
echo $variable['field']['indicator2'];                                        // '0'
echo $variable['subfields'][0]['tag'];                                        // 'a'
echo $variable['a'][0]['tag'];                                                // 'a'

echo $variable;                                                               // '245_10$a'

$complex = new MARCspec('020$a{$q[0]~\pbk}{$c/0=\€|$c/0=\$}');
echo $complex['field']['tag'];                                                // '020'
echo $complex['subfields'][0]['tag'];                                         // 'a'

echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['leftSubTerm'];                          // '020$q[0]'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['operator'];                             // '~'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable'];           // 'pbk'

echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm'];                       // '020$c/0'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charStart'];  // 0
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charEnd'];    // null
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charLength']; // 1
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['operator'];                          // '='
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable'];        // '€'

echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm'];                       // '020$c/0'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charStart'];  // 0
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charEnd'];    // null
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charLength']; // 1
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['operator'];                          // '='
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['rightSubTerm']['comparable'];        // '$'

// creating MARCspec

// creating a new Field
$Field = new Field('...');
$Field['indicator2'] = '1'; // or $Field->setIndicator2('1');
$Field['indexStart'] = 0; // or $Field->setIndex(0);

// creating a new MARCspec by setting the Field
$MARCspec = MARCspec::setField($Field);

// creating a new Subfield
$Subfield = new Subfield('a');

// adding the Subfield to the MARCspec

// creating instances of MARCspec and ComparisonString
$LeftSubTerm = new MARCspec('...$a/#');
$RightSubTerm = new ComparisonString(',');

// creating a new SubSpec with instances above and an operator '='
$SubSpec = new SubSpec($LeftSubTerm,'=',$RightSubTerm);

// adding the SubSpec to the Subfield
$Subfield['subSpecs'] = $SubSpec;

// echo whole MARCspec
echo $MARCspec; // '...[0]__1$a{...$a/#=\,}' 

ArrayAccess vs. Methods

MARCspec can be accessed like an immutable array with the following offsets or with its correponding methods (see source code for documentation of all methods).

Instances of MARCspec

offset method get method set type
field getField setField Field
subfields getSubfields addSubfields array[Subfield]
[subfield tag] getSubfield array[Subfield]

Instances of Field

offset method get method set type
tag getTag setTag string
indicator1 getIndicator1 setIndicator1 string
indicator2 getIndicator2 setIndicator2 string
charStart getCharStart setCharStart int
charEnd getCharEnd setCharEnd int
charLength getCharLength int
indexStart getIndexStart setIndexStart int
indexEnd getIndexEnd setIndexEnd int
indexLength getIndexLength int
subSpecs getSubSpecs addSubSpecs array[SubSpec]|array[array[SubSpec]]

Instances of Subfield

offset method get method set type
tag getTag setTag string
charStart getCharStart setCharStart int
charEnd getCharEnd setCharEnd int
charLength getCharLength int
indexStart getIndexStart setIndexStart int
indexEnd getIndexEnd setIndexEnd int
indexLength getIndexLength int
subSpecs getSubSpecs addSubSpecs array[SubSpec]|array[array[SubSpec]]

Instances of ComparisonString

offset method get type
raw getRaw string
comparable getComprable string

Instances of SubSpec

offset method get type
leftSubTerm getLeftSubTerm MARCspec|ComparisonString
operator getOperator string
rightSubTerm getRightSubTerm MARCspec|ComparisonString