PHP-MARCspec [
] (
PHP MARCspec parser and validator.
For currently supported version of MARCspec - A common MARC record path language see .
Installation can be done by using composer
"require": {
"ck/php-marcspec": "1.*"
or download the ZIP file.
PHP-MARCspec requires PHP 5.4 or later.
namespace CK\MARCspec;
// parse and access MARCspec like an array
$fixed = new MARCspec('007[0]/1-8{/0=\a}');
echo $fixed['field']['tag']; // '007'
echo $fixed['field']['charStart']; // 1
echo $fixed['field']['charEnd']; // 8
echo $fixed['field']['charLength']; // 8
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['leftSubTerm']; // '007[0]/0'
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['operator']; // '='
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm']; // '\a'
echo $fixed['field']['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable']; // 'a'
echo $fixed; // '007[0]/1-8{007[0]/0=\a}'
$variable = new MARCspec('245_10$a');
echo $variable['field']['tag']; // '245'
echo $variable['field']['indicator1']; // '1'
echo $variable['field']['indicator2']; // '0'
echo $variable['subfields'][0]['tag']; // 'a'
echo $variable['a'][0]['tag']; // 'a'
echo $variable; // '245_10$a'
$complex = new MARCspec('020$a{$q[0]~\pbk}{$c/0=\€|$c/0=\$}');
echo $complex['field']['tag']; // '020'
echo $complex['subfields'][0]['tag']; // 'a'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['leftSubTerm']; // '020$q[0]'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['operator']; // '~'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable']; // 'pbk'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']; // '020$c/0'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charStart']; // 0
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charEnd']; // null
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charLength']; // 1
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['operator']; // '='
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][0]['rightSubTerm']['comparable']; // '€'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']; // '020$c/0'
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charStart']; // 0
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charEnd']; // null
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['leftSubTerm']['c'][0]['charLength']; // 1
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['operator']; // '='
echo $complex['a'][0]['subSpecs'][1][1]['rightSubTerm']['comparable']; // '$'
// creating MARCspec
// creating a new Field
$Field = new Field('...');
$Field['indicator2'] = '1'; // or $Field->setIndicator2('1');
$Field['indexStart'] = 0; // or $Field->setIndex(0);
// creating a new MARCspec by setting the Field
$MARCspec = MARCspec::setField($Field);
// creating a new Subfield
$Subfield = new Subfield('a');
// adding the Subfield to the MARCspec
// creating instances of MARCspec and ComparisonString
$LeftSubTerm = new MARCspec('...$a/#');
$RightSubTerm = new ComparisonString(',');
// creating a new SubSpec with instances above and an operator '='
$SubSpec = new SubSpec($LeftSubTerm,'=',$RightSubTerm);
// adding the SubSpec to the Subfield
$Subfield['subSpecs'] = $SubSpec;
// echo whole MARCspec
echo $MARCspec; // '...[0]__1$a{...$a/#=\,}'
MARCspec can be accessed like an immutable array with the following offsets or with its correponding methods (see source code for documentation of all methods).
offset | method get | method set | type |
field | getField | setField | Field |
subfields | getSubfields | addSubfields | array[Subfield] |
[subfield tag] | getSubfield | array[Subfield] |
offset | method get | method set | type |
tag | getTag | setTag | string |
indicator1 | getIndicator1 | setIndicator1 | string |
indicator2 | getIndicator2 | setIndicator2 | string |
charStart | getCharStart | setCharStart | int |
charEnd | getCharEnd | setCharEnd | int |
charLength | getCharLength | int | |
indexStart | getIndexStart | setIndexStart | int |
indexEnd | getIndexEnd | setIndexEnd | int |
indexLength | getIndexLength | int | |
subSpecs | getSubSpecs | addSubSpecs | array[SubSpec]|array[array[SubSpec]] |
offset | method get | method set | type |
tag | getTag | setTag | string |
charStart | getCharStart | setCharStart | int |
charEnd | getCharEnd | setCharEnd | int |
charLength | getCharLength | int | |
indexStart | getIndexStart | setIndexStart | int |
indexEnd | getIndexEnd | setIndexEnd | int |
indexLength | getIndexLength | int | |
subSpecs | getSubSpecs | addSubSpecs | array[SubSpec]|array[array[SubSpec]] |
offset | method get | type |
raw | getRaw | string |
comparable | getComprable | string |
offset | method get | type |
leftSubTerm | getLeftSubTerm | MARCspec|ComparisonString |
operator | getOperator | string |
rightSubTerm | getRightSubTerm | MARCspec|ComparisonString |