We convert the training data list into json file using create_json.py.
The training and validation data are saved as follow:
├── images
├── labels
├── images
├── labels
We specifiy the model hyperparmeters in the yaml files, sample yaml files for different model scales can be found in yaml folder.
├── unest_base
├── unest_large
├── unest_small
Before training, specify the paths in the yaml files and set the yaml path in the main.py.
We use inference.py to test each images in the testing set and save the final output into Nifti format. The trained model weight can found here: multiorganseg_weight.
Running inference:
python inference.py --imagesTs_path test_images_path --saved_model_path path2saved_model --base_dir output_path --fold 0 --overlap 0.7 --device 0
If you find this repository useful, please consider citing the following papers:
title={UNesT: local spatial representation learning with hierarchical transformer for efficient medical segmentation},
author={Yu, Xin and Yang, Qi and Zhou, Yinchi and Cai, Leon Y and Gao, Riqiang and Lee, Ho Hin and Li, Thomas and Bao, Shunxing and Xu, Zhoubing and Lasko, Thomas A and others},
journal={Medical Image Analysis},