Author: Zhengxiao Han (韩 政霄)
: This package includes an arena node that has a physics engine to simulate a brick falling, a holonomic turtle controller to control the turetle to the reference position, and a catcher node to organize turtle's behaviors so that it can catch the falling brick.
: Customized message and service interfaces for turtle_brick
- Use
ros2 launch ros2 launch turtle_brick turtle_arena.launch.xml
to start the arena and turtle simulation - Use
ros2 service call /place turtle_brick_interfaces/srv/Place "{x: 6.54445, y: 7.544445, z: 7.0}"
and thenros2 service call /drop std_srvs/srv/Empty "{}"
to drop a brick - Here is a video of the turtle when the brick is within catching range
- Here is a video of the turtle when the brick cannot be caught