This is the replication repository for the Mona Language and Mona Interpreter. The language provides functionality for program evaluation, program execution snapshotting and execution snapshot replay or re-execution.
Programs are initially parsed utilising the Mona Parser:
from mona.interpreter.parsing import Parser
src = 'println("Hello, World!")'
program, cmp_store = Parser.parse(src)
which returns the program interpreter and the components store of the specified definition.
To execute, the interpreter requires an Environment object, which also encapsulates an Execution Mode ExecMode
This execution mode can be ExecModeRun
for basic program evaluations, ExecModeRecord
for execution snapshotting, ExecModeStmtCount
for counting the number of program evaluation expression for the resulting execution, and ExecModeReplay
for replaying a recorded memory snapshot.
Please note that all memory snapshots are already configured with a ExecModeReplay
Execution Mode.
This repository offers factory methods for configuring all the described Execution Modes.
You can review usage of such factory in mona/
which utilises all of the modes to evaluate a demo program:
decl strlst(lst) {
if (lenof(lst) > 0) {
print(lst[0], "->");
strlst([1, 2, 3]);
The Mona Interpreter operates in an output directory.
In this program execution and replay snapshots are dumped.
The demo program outputs to .output_dir/
You can execute this demo by running:
It is possible to evaluate a program utilising the provided factory method as:
from mona import runtime_factory, output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR)
alternatively, the explicit workflow is:
from mona.interpreter.parsing import Parser
from mona.interpreter.environment.environment import (
Environment, ExecModeRun
env = Environment(exec_mode=ExecModeRun(dump_dir=OUTPUT_DIR))
program, cmp_store = Parser.parse(DEMO_SRC)
It is possible to count the total number of expressions that the MI evaluates during runtime utilising the factory method
from mona import runtime_factory
runtime_factory.run_and_count_expressions(src=DEMO_SRC, output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR)
alternatively, the explicit workflow is:
from mona.interpreter.parsing import Parser
from mona.interpreter.environment.environment import (
Environment, ExecModeStmtCount
env = Environment(exec_mode=ExecModeStmtCount(dump_dir=OUTPUT_DIR))
program, cmp_store = Parser.parse(DEMO_SRC)
The number of expressions can be accessed by the output memory snapshot:
with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "stmt_count_snap.pickle"), "rb") as df:
env = pickle.load(df)
print("Expressions count: ", env.__dict__["_exec_mode"].stmts_run)
It is possible to evaluate a program and record execution snapshots for a given steps size using the factory method:
from mona import runtime_factory
runtime_factory.run_and_record(src=DEMO_SRC, output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, steps=STEPS)
alternatively, the explicit workflow is:
from mona.interpreter.parsing import Parser
from mona.interpreter.environment.environment import (
Environment, ExecModeRecord
env = Environment(exec_mode=ExecModeRecord(dump_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, steps=STEPS))
program, cmp_store = Parser.parse(DEMO_SRC)
It is possible to replay a program snapshot recorded with the ExecModeRecord ExecutionMode using the factory method:
from mona import runtime_factory
runtime_factory.replay_snapshot(src=DEMO_SRC, snapshot_filename=replay_snapshot_filepath)
where replay_snapshot_filepath
is the path to the recorded memory snapshot.
The resulting memory snapshot will be dumped in the same output directory.
alternatively, the explicit workflow is:
from mona.interpreter.parsing import Parser
with open(replay_snapshot_filepath, "rb") as df:
env = pickle.load(df)
program, cmp_store = Parser.parse(DEMO_SRC)
Here follows a brief demo of the main language features for mona.
For further details about the grammar of Mona please review the ANTLR4 GramParser.g4
grammar file in mona/antlr/GramParser.g4
var x = 10;
var y = "Hello";
if (x < 5) {
println("x is less than 5");
} else if (x > 10) {
println("x is greater than 10");
} else {
println("x is between 5 and 10");
decl add(a, b) {
ret a + b;
result = add(5, 3);
sinValue = sin(30);
while (x < 10) {
x = x + 1;
x = 5;
arr[0] = 42;
println("Hello, world!");
print("Value of x: ", x);
result = (3 + 2) * 4;
length = lenof(arr);
copyArr = copyof(arr);